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Decarbonize, come on!

In a festival that values sustainability on the most diverse fronts of performance, music becomes an instrument for raising awareness and connecting with the public. The song Juntos #PelaDescarbonização was developed by the Bahian band Afrocita, together with Neoenergia, out of a shared commitment to caring for our planet. Watch, share, get infected!

All together for a better world!

Neoenergia + The Town Shares

Neoenergia provided solar-powered lighting poles and electric carts that were used by the festival organization, as a way to minimize the impacts caused by CO2 emissions. The poles were equipped with lamps capable of providing 59.04 kWh per day of the event, considering 12 hours of light on.


The initiatives signed with Rock in Rio/The Town are in line with the actions and actions carried out by Neoenergia in favor of decarbonization. “For a just and inclusive energy transition, we need to expand energy generation from clean sources, just as it is also necessary to influence young people regarding the production and consumption of other products. Their participation will be fundamental in this process to raise awareness in society from now on”.
Eduardo Capelastegui, CEO of Neoenergia.

Videos: #PelaDescarbonização

The Bahian band Afroidade talks about our relationship with energy consumption.
What is our role in combating climate change?

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