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Pessoas dando as mãos para representar o Programa de Voluntariado da Neoenergia

Volunteering: a mission for good


Helping others, being useful to someone or an institution, donating time, money, or work. To be supportive or to volunteer? It doesn't matter if the job is punctual or with a defined frequency. What matters is to do good. The volunteer, according to the United Nations, “is the young person or adult who, because of their personal interest and civic spirit, dedicates part of their time, without compensation, to various forms of activities, organized or not, of social welfare, or other fields”.

Types of volunteer work

There are several ways to volunteer and help the people who need it most. Voluntary actions can be taken every day and contribute to a better future. Learn about the main areas of activity and do your part!

Environment and animals: Help nature through projects that involve the preservation of fauna and flora, protecting forests, carrying out replantations and rescuing animals at risk.

Education and culture: How about sharing talents and contributing to the formation of individuals? Transfer knowledge about music, dance, painting, school subjects, among others.

Sport: Sports practices can change lives and take new paths. Look for projects focused on the practice of physical activities, such as soccer, volleyball, basketball, etc.

Seniors: Conversations, music, and games transform the day of older people who feel lonely. Offering attention and affection can make a difference in their lives.

Social vulnerability: It is possible to contribute to the reduction of groups in a vulnerable situation through small gestures, such as the distribution of food and clothing.

Anyone can apply to be a volunteer. There is no prerequisite, just choose an area of activity that is more interesting for those who want to donate themselves, to participate in a group in the company where they work or the community that lives. Activities can take place in daycare centers, nursing homes, hospitals, penitentiaries, NGOs, or even on the streets. The field of action can be social, in the area of health, cultural, educational, environmental, among others.

How to apply for a volunteer job?

The first step is to identify a cause that represents the values the person believes in. From there, you must search for an organization, sector or community where you can work in the activity. In many cases, the contribution may be offered remotely.

Volunteer work has benefits for those who receive and for those who donate. In addition, volunteering can help to obtain job openings, since the activities carried out can develop skills considered important in job interviews, such as citizenship, relationships, important contacts, discovery of new skills and contribute to making the person feel more useful and expand personal development. Then, it is recommended that volunteer activities be placed in the curricula. The experience provided by engaging in charitable activities is interesting not only for young people at the beginning of their careers, but also for professionals who are migrating from the area, those who have already passed through the market or are unemployed.

Donations to NGOs

Many people would like to do volunteer work, but are unable to do so for various personal or professional reasons. The lack of time available for the activity can be compensated by donating to NGOs, which work as volunteers. And best of all, it can be done without burdening the benefactor's pocket.

According to the Internal Revenue Service, when taxpayers file their Annual Income Tax Return, they can decide where part of the amount paid will be applied. This does not increase the tax and will not reduce the refund. The mechanism allows part of the tax due to be allocated directly to the Social Funds chosen by the taxpayer, instead of being sent to the National Treasury. Citizens can allocate up to 6% of their estimated value throughout the year, or, if they prefer, from January to April of each year, limited to 3% of their amount due or to be refunded.

In the Revenue program, when filling out the return, the taxpayer must look for the Declaration Forms section and then the option Donations Directly in the Declaration. Then, simply click on New to include a donation and, on the next screen, you can check the amount calculated for the donation and the refund amount (or tax due) before the donation is included. Then simply inform the CNPJ of the chosen NGO and make the donation.

Volunteering at NeoEnergia

Since 2020, Neoenergy has organized International Volunteer Week, a global initiative of the Iberdrola Group, its shareholder and controller. During one week, activities are promoted to encourage employee engagement. The actions take place in five of the countries where the group operates: Brazil (Neoenergy), Spain (Iberdrola), the United States (Avangrid), Mexico (Iberdrola Mexico) and the United Kingdom (Scottish Power).

The best thing is that it's not just International Volunteer Week that employees can participate in charitable actions. The Volunteer Program is permanent and offers opportunities through its own online platform. In addition, Neoenergy also has a virtual space, in partnership with Transforma Brasil, with vacancies offered directly by NGOs. The platform offers opportunities at Brazilian institutions, facilitating engagement.

Neoenergy relates volunteer work to five Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promoted by the United Nations, which are the same commitments adopted by the company. The company's mission is related to SDGs 7 (clean and affordable energy) and 13 (action against global climate change). In addition to these, the opportunities offered are part of SDGs 4 (quality education), 5 (gender equality) and 10 (reduction of inequalities).
