- Products and Solutions

Neoenergia has put together some tips that can prevent energy accidents. Be part of this movement to protect everyone.

Construction and Renovation
Civil construction is the activity where accidents involving the electricity grid occur the most in Brazil. Therefore, always have these tips as your best allies when building or renovating.
- Stay away from the power grid.
- Protective equipment.
- When installing antennas.
Street Safety
By following outdoor safety rules, you're protecting yourself and giving protection to everyone in your community. Therefore, be aware of these safety tips when you are on the streets of your city.
- Pruning trees.
- Clandestine call.
- It was broken on the ground.
- Poles.
- When flying a kite.
- On rainy days.
- At parties.

Segurança nas festas

Segurança na chuva
No período de chuva é essencial que as pessoas adotem medidas preventivas para garantir sua segurança. Alagamentos, enchentes, raios, quedas de árvores são eventos comuns durante tempestades que podem afetar a rede elétrica. Saiba como se prevenir nessas situações:
Segurança em caso de incêndio
In homes or apartments, simple habits without large investments can be the main partners to protect you and your family from electrical accidents.
- Take it out of the outlets
- Electronic devices
- Lamps
- Washing machine
- Taken
- Air-conditioning
- Electric shower
- Benjamin
- Notebook
- Cell phone

Safety at Home
In homes or apartments, simple habits without large investments can be the main partners to protect you and your family from electrical accidents.
- Take it out of the outlets
- Electronic devices
- Lamps
- Washing machine
- Taken
- Air-conditioning
- Electric shower
- Benjamin
- Notebook
- Cell phone

Segurança nas férias escolares

In homes or apartments, simple habits without large investments can be the main partners to protect you and your family from electrical accidents.
- Take it out of the outlets
- Electronic devices
- Lamps
- Washing machine
- Taken
- Air-conditioning
- Electric shower
- Benjamin
- Notebook
- Cell phone

Segurança digital
Com o avanço da digitalização, alguns riscos cibernéticos passaram a existir e se tornam cada vez mais populares. Conheça os principais golpes na internet e aprenda dicas práticas para não cair em fraudes digitais e proteger seus dados pessoais.