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Self Healing Technology benefits 472 municipalities in Neoenergia concession areas
Self Healing system allows energy to be re-established within 60 seconds
The "self healing" system , self-recomposition, in free translation, allows an important reinforcement in the reliability of the electrical system of Neoenergia distributors. Considering the first three months of the year, 208 such equipment were installed in Bahia (Coelba), Pernambuco (Celpe), Rio Grande do Norte (Cosern), São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul (Elektro) and Federal District (Neoenergia Distribution Brasília). With the use of technology, the number of interruptions in the supply of electricity is reduced, which can be restored in up to 60 seconds. In all, Neoenergia has about 13,000 reconnecting equipment, of which 17% have self healing, installed in 472 municipalities in five states and the Federal District.
The system minimizes power interruption in cases of so-called "temporary defects", when, for example, tree branches fall on the wiring. "One of the main advantages of self-recomposition technology is that it identifies the occurrence and resolves it automatically, without the need for operator or system interference. Thus, Neoenergia reinforces the reliability in the power supply and offers more quality in its service,"says Daniel Picchi, Manager of Standardization and Implementation of Neoenergia Smart Grids.
The result is a reduction in the number of customers without power supply and a decrease in the amount of power outages. "This is because the technology automatically recomposes the stretch not affected by the problem. With this, the supply can return to normal for as many customers as possible in a few seconds," explainsNeoenergia's Network Automation Deployment Supervisor, Rudson Oliveira. The self healing is still integrated into the Integrated Operations Center (IOC), which receives the exact location of the occurrence and sends the electricians to check the situation in the field and act when necessary.
Improved indicators
One of the main achievements resulting from the implementation of the self healing system is in the improvement of the quality parameters determined by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL). Thus, all the company's distributors are below the limits established for quality indicators that assess the average frequency of interruptions (FEC, measured in times) and the average duration in which this happens (DEC, in hours).
Neoenergia Distribuição Brasília, in 28 days under operation by Neoenergia, presented one of the best indices of the quality of the power supply already recorded in the historical series of the month, with DEC (Equivalent Interruption Duration per Consumer) of 0.5h in March of this year, registering a reduction of -12% vs. mar/20. In the first quarter of 2021, the other concessionaires continued to provide energy within the target established by the regulatory body: 11.77 (Coelba); 12.36 (Celpe); 8.49 (Cosern) and 7.63 (Elektro).
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