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Ministro do STF, Edson Fachin, ao lado do CEO da Neoenergia, Eduardo Capelastegui; do ministro Luís Roberto Barroso; do diretor-presidente da Neoenergia Brasília, Frederico Candian; da superintendente de Eficiência Energética da Neoenergia, Ana Mascarenhas; da secretária de Relações com a Sociedade do STF, Teresa Cristina de Melo Costa; e do secretário de Inovação e Transição Energética da Aneel, Paulo Luciano de Carvalho

Neoenergia Brasília and Supreme Federal Court sign a partnership to install solar power plants on the agency's roofs


Project, which aims to encourage the use of clean energy, should reduce the STF's energy bill by R$ 275,000 a year

Neoenergia Brasília and the Supreme Federal Court (STF) signed, last Wednesday afternoon (26), a Technical Cooperation Agreement for the construction of solar power plants on the roofs of buildings attached to the agency's main building, in Praça dos Três Poderes. The installation and operation of the plants must take place by the end of the year, promoting the use of clean and renewable energy, in addition to reducing the amount of the institution's electricity bills


Eduardo Capelastegui, CEO of Neoenergia, Frederico Candian, CEO of Neoenergia Brasília, Ministers Luís Roberto Barroso, president of the STF, and Edson Fachin, vice-president, and Paulo Luciano de Carvalho, Secretary of Innovation and Energy Transition, representing the director general of the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), participated in the signing of the agreement.

With an estimated investment of R$ 1 million - made through the distributor's Energy Efficiency Program (PEE), regulated by ANEEL -, the agreement provides for the construction of two solar power plants with a combined capacity of more than 250kWp on the roofs of the STF. The estimated annual generation is 370 MWh/year. Altogether, the project represents an approximate reduction of R$ 275,000 to the public coffers

per year.

“This partnership is another important step towards sustainability, reinforcing Neoenergia's pioneering spirit in the energy transition and our commitment to decarbonization. The company is proud to be able to contribute to the STF, an agent so relevant to society. These two new power plants will contribute to the reduction of the agency's costs and stimulate the use of a renewable source of clean energy”, reinforces the CEO of


At the signing, the president of the STF said that environmental protection is one of the axes of his management. “We are seeking to take every measure in our power to minimize the environmental impact of the actions of the Supreme Court and the Judiciary, in general,” said Luís Roberto Barroso. “Therefore, this agreement is associated with our environmental concerns and with regard to climate change and global warming, seeking to ensure that the Supreme Court meets the highest standards of environmental protection.”

Balance - Since taking over energy distribution in the Federal District in March 2021, Neoenergia Brasília has carried out a series of actions to improve the efficiency of Federal Government agencies, such as the Federal Police, Aeronautics, Brazilian Army and the University of Brasília (UnB).

In the last two years, through partnerships with the Federal Government, the distributor replaced more than 146,000 inefficient lamps with LED models, 40% more economical, in addition to the deployment of five photovoltaic plants. In this period, these projects represent savings of approximately R$ 7.2 million for public coffers

at the Federal level.

Through the ANEEL Energy Efficiency Program, the company has also been encouraging the conscious, efficient and safe consumption of electricity for the population of the Federal District. In the last two years, more than 50,000 families have benefited from around 230,000 lamps and 5,000 more efficient refrigerators


Advantages - The photovoltaic system is an inexhaustible source of energy, since the production is made from the irradiation of sunlight, and can be produced even on cloudy or rainy days. The greater the solar radiation, the greater the amount of electricity produced. The initiative is aligned with and is part of Neoenergia Brasília's commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of 17 themes and 169 goals for achieving a more sustainable world, as determined by the UN General Assembly. The installation of photovoltaic panels is directly linked to SDG 7, which aims to contribute to affordable and clean energy


