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Neoenergia and the Ministry of Defense sign a partnership to install 10 solar power plants in Armed Forces buildings
Project that encourages the use of clean energy should reduce the Army's energy bill,
of the Navy and Aeronautics in R$ 2.1 million a year
Neoenergia and the Ministry of Defense signed, this Tuesday (09/07), a Technical Cooperation Agreement for the conclusion of agreements with the Armed Forces aimed at the construction of 10 solar power plants and the exchange of 3.6 thousand inefficient lamps for LED models, 40% more economical, in Army, Navy and Aeronautical buildings, located in the Federal District, in Bahia, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte and São Paulo.
The installation and operation of the plants, in addition to the replacement of the lamps, must take place by the end of the year, promoting the use of clean and renewable energy, in addition to reducing the amount of institutions' electricity bills by R$ 2.1 million a year.
Eduardo Capelastegui, CEO of Neoenergia; Solange Ribeiro, vice-president of Neoenergia; José Mucio Monteiro, defense minister, and representatives of the three Forces participated in the signing of the agreement.
With an estimated investment in R$ 8.8 million - made by the Efficiency Program Energetica (PEE) from Neoenergia, regulated by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) -, the partnership with the Armed Forces provides for the construction of 10 solar power plants with a combined capacity of more than 2.1 MWp. The estimated annual generation is 370 MWh/year. Altogether, the project represents an approximate annual reduction of R$ 2.1 million in institutions' energy bills
“This agreement with the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces is another step taken by Neoenergia on the path of sustainability,” explains Eduardo Capelastegui. “Partnerships like this represent our commitment to decarbonization in the country and contribute to the reduction of institutions' costs”, concludes the executive.
The Defense Minister was proud to attend the event. “It's a very important moment because of the examples that this partnership with the Armed Forces provides. I have always been a supporter of all types of sustainable energy. Congratulations to everyone and let's move on,” said José Mucio
Old partnership — Neoenergia's energy efficiency actions with the Armed Forces have lasted over 10 years. With investments from the PEE totaling around R$ 12 million, the partnership provided assistance to 66 Army, Navy, and Aeronautical units. In total, another 83,000 inefficient lamps were replaced and five solar power plants were built. This represents savings of approximately R$ 2.1 million in the public coffers
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