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Neoenergia partners with Unicef for donation of baskets and hygiene kits in Pará



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Neoenergia is committed to making a social contribution in the regions where it is operates. Accordingly, the company has partnered with the UN Fund for the United Nations International Children's Fund (UNICEF) to promote the donation of basic baskets and hygiene kits in four municipalities in Pará state, in addition to the training of adolescents on self-care and mental health. The initiative is being held in region where Teles Pires Hydro Power Plant (HPP) is located, on the border of the states of Pará and Mato Grosso, in the cities of Jacareacanga (PA) and Paranaíta (MT). These donations will benefit 1,544 families in the cities of Breves, Jacareacanga, Marabá and Portel, in addition to 160 adolescents that will participate of online meetings. The purpose is to mitigate Covid-19 impacts for the most vulnerable families.   

“It is of utmost importance for Neoenergia to be involved in this action, since we have a great commitment to promote development and well being in all the regions where we operate. Thus, we understand that the access to information and the items being donated makes a relevant contribution to improve the quality of life in these communities", says Ivan Sobreira Neto, Teles Pires HPP Environment Manager. Neoenergia's initiative is also in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (U.N.), which aims to benefit the planet and populations.  

The donations of basic baskets and hygiene kits will benefit around seven thousand families in the four cities of Pará state. The baskets include items such as rice, beans, soy bean oil, wheat flour, pasta and coffee. The hygiene kits include soap, stone soap, bleach solution, detergent and alcohol gel. Along with the donations, educational and informative materials about coronavirus prevention are delivered, including advices on physical and mental health.

For Antônio Carlos Cabral, UNICEF Health specialist in Brazil, "the partnership with Neoenergia is enabling the delivery of products that make a difference in the lives of the poorest families in these municipalities. When we arrive with the products, we also bring information about adopting the most important care for Covid-19 prevention, that is, the correct use of masks, the need to wash the hands in a correct and constant way and the social distance when possible".  


In addition to donations, Neoenergia and UNICEF partnership includes the execution of a project named “Trilhas Formativas – Ativando potências de adolescentes protagonistas em tempos da Covid-19" (Training Trails - Activating the power of protagonist adolescents in times of Covid-19). The initiative, carried out online, seeks to mobilize adolescents from 13 to 18 years, in vulnerable situations, for the development of skills with the strengthening of their participation, engagement and protagonism for spreading information aimed at the prevention and control of Covid 19. 

A total of 160 adolescents will be benefitted, 30 from each city, in addition to 40 from Belém. The meetings began on November 17, and will also be held on 24, 26 and 30 of the same month. The topics addressed include a project of life, self-care, mental health and protection of adolescents in times of pandemic. The events are part of UNICEF Seal, an initiative developed with Peabiru Institute. 

