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Neoenergia announces partnership with Esporte Clube Bahia SAF to supply 100% renewable energy in the free market
With the agreement, Tricolor Baiano will save up to 35% on monthly electricity expenses at the training center, which also helps the club reduce CO2 emissions from the facility
Neoenergia has just announced a partnership with Esporte Clube Bahia SAF for the supply of 100% renewable electricity, through the free market. The long-term agreement helps the Bahian tricolor to reduce monthly electricity expenses by up to 35% at the Evaristo de Macedo Training Center, in Dias D'Ávila, in the metropolitan region of Salvador (BA). This savings could amount to a total of R$ 2.2 million over the next five years for the club.
In addition, Bahia makes the installation more sustainable by reducing CO2 emissions. Neoenergia will supply CT with certified energy, from a 100% renewable matrix. It is estimated that the club will be able to avoid the emission of around 267 tons of CO2. This amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) corresponds to 742 trees planted.
“For Neoenergia, the partnership with Esporte Clube Bahia SAF reaffirms our commitment to innovation and sustainability. We continue to play an active role in decarbonization with solutions that use renewable sources, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions,” says Rita Knop, Sales Director at Neoenergia.
The Training Center is dedicated to all men's and women's soccer categories, from basic training to professional teams.
“The partnership with Neoenergia goes beyond soccer and social media, with which we already had this double in the Bora Bahêa Meu Bairro project. This is a new moment that demonstrates that the Squad is also committed to expanding its sustainability goals, creating, within soccer, an awareness of the importance of the increasingly efficient consumption of renewable energy,” says Vitor Ferraz, Director of Operations and Institutional Relations at Esporte Clube Bahia SAF.
How does the free energy market work
Neoenergia offers the supply of clean energy through the free market from 100% renewable sources. Among the advantages, the opportunity for monthly savings of up to 35% on the electricity bill stands out, equivalent to up to four bills per year.
In order for a customer to carry out the portability, Neoenergia offers specialized advice, analyzing the viability of the exchange. This study includes the assessment of electricity bills for the last 12 months, with the objective of analyzing consumer behavior and the customer's energy demand. The change is authorized for clients connected to medium and high voltage, with payments over R$ 5 thousand per month.
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Neoenergia anuncia parceria com Esporte Clube Bahia SAF para fornecimento de energia 100% renovável no mercado livre
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