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Neoenergia conquista prêmio da ONU por programa de apoio a colaboradoras vítimas de violência doméstica

Neoenergia wins UN award for support program for female collaborators who are victims of domestic violence


Initiative was recognized by the Good Practices Award of

Women Lead 2030 movement promoted by the UN Global Compact

Rio de Janeiro, March 15, 2024

In the month in which International Women's Day is celebrated, Neoenergia was recognized for its actions for the benefit of the female audience. This Thursday (14/3), the company received the Good Practices Award from the They Lead 2030 Movement, promoted by the United Nations (UN) Global-Rede Brasil Pact. The achievement was achieved through the internal implementation of the protection, reception and support program for employees who suffer domestic violence. The initiative was created last year as part of Neoenergia's Diversity and Inclusion program, JUNT+s


Eduardo Capelastegui, CEO of Neoenergia, at a certification ceremony held in New York

“We promote diversity and inclusion through actions aimed at social contribution. In this way, we are at the side of our collaborators in search of an even more inclusive, innovative and sustainable future for all,” said Eduardo Capelastegui, CEO

of Neoenergia.

The executive was considered the CEO most engaged with the topic. He received the award, in the “CEO They Lead 2030” category, at a ceremony held in New York, United States. The purpose of the UN is to recognize and encourage the actions of companies committed to the initiative's goals with a fundamental role in the defense and promotion of gender equality


