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Register for the 2024 National Energy Efficiency Olympiad and compete for prizes
Edition 2024 was confirmed by ANEEL and has the support of companies linked to the Brazilian Association of Electric Energy Distributors (Abradee), such as Neoenergia
With the expected participation of nearly 200,000 students and teachers from all over the country, the National Energy Efficiency Olympiad is back. The 2024 edition was confirmed by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) and has the support of companies linked to the Brazilian Association of Electric Energy Distributors (Abradee), such as Neoenergia Cosern (RN), Neoenergia Pernambuco (PE), Neoenergia Coelba (BA), Neoenergia Elektro (SP) and Neoenergia Brasília (DF).
Registrations can be made at www.onee.org.br.
Aimed at 8th and 9th grade elementary school students in public and private schools, the National Energy Efficiency Olympiad (ONEE) became an annual initiative open to participants from all Brazilian states after two pilot editions in 2021 and 2022. ONEE aims to transmit information to students about the safe and rational use of electricity, in addition to contributing to the creation of a generation of conscious consumers
“In addition to the projects that we carry out on a daily basis, the National Energy Efficiency Olympiad is an important milestone for the training of teachers and students, replicators of knowledge with society, about the conscious consumption of energy. We are very happy to know that, after participating as proponents in the two stages of the pilot project, the initiative will now be annual and encompassing more and more participants from all Brazilian states”, highlights Ana Christina Mascarenhas, superintendent
of the Neoenergia Energy Efficiency Program.
Students from each state and the Federal District, who perform better in the competition, in addition to the medal, will win a notebook. Those awarded gold, silver, and bronze medals at ONEE will automatically qualify for the 2nd phase of the National Science Olympiad (ONC) the following year, without the need to participate in the 1st phase of the ONC
There will also be an additional contest between the highest-placed finishers from each state and the Federal District, totaling 27 competitors, to choose the champion or the national champion, who will receive an additional prize.
The ONEE model proposes the dissemination of knowledge about energy efficiency throughout the school environment, and not just among the classes that will participate in the award. To this end, the training of teachers from the registered schools is planned. They will have access to content related to the conscious use of energy in module format.
The material offered by the Olympics offers wide-ranging approaches to the teaching-learning process, in addition to awakening students' skills for intervention, especially when it comes to concepts about energy, energy sources, and energy efficiency.
Enrolled students will also have access to a modular course on best practices in energy use, which will demonstrate how the efficient use of energy plays a fundamental role in society. Among the subjects included in the training are: introduction to energy and its transformations; energy sources and matrices; energy production/generation and conscious consumption; and energy efficiency actions and the fight against waste
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