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Neoenergia launches first exclusive Class of Electricians School for women
Neoenergia, through Coelba, Bahia's energy distributor, launched, on Monday (19),the School of Electricians focused exclusively on women, a free project, promoted in partnership with SENAI Bahia in the capital and in the interior of the state, with the objective of training women interested in engaging in activities in building electrical installations and energy distribution grids. The project is unprecedented in the north and northeast of the country and will be expanded to other distributors of Neoenergia.
Application, also free, must be made from 3 pm on August 19 until 6 pm on August 25, exclusively through the internet, on the website. http://www.fieb.org.br/senai.
Four classes will be opened, with a total of 100 spots, exclusively for women, 25 spots in each class. The classes will be held at SENAI/BA facilities, at the Dendezeiros unit, from Monday to Friday, scheduled to start in October.
Applicants must have completed high school or equivalent; be at least 18 years old on the date of application for the selection process, live in or near Salvador. The course has a 596 hours workload. The selection process will include written test (Portuguese and math), psychological assessment, practical test, and interview for technical profile assessment. Selected candidates will receive transportation vouchers during the course.
The course of the “School of Electricians of Coelba" already works for a mixed audience in Salvador, Vitória da Conquista and Feira de Santana, Barreiras, Ilhéus and Juazeiro.
SENAI Bahia's director, Rodrigo Vasconcelos, reinforces the institution's satisfaction with the partnership, in another Coelba initiative that seeks regional development and the strengthening of vocational education for the state. "The course of the School of Electricians for Women will expand employment opportunities for Bahian female talent and SENAI puts all its educational methodology, infrastructure and technical staff at the disposal of this training," he says.
In addition to SENAI/BA, the School of Electricians for Women has a partnership with the State of Bahia Government, through the Secretariat of the State Administration of Bahia (SAEB), through DETRAN - which will offer, free of charge, the driver´s license for women who complete the electrician course - and with the support of Pracatum, Fábrica Cultural, Bloco Afro Olodum, Associação das Comunidades da Mata Escura and Calabetão (Acopamec) and Movimento Cultural do Subúrbio.
Training is a Neoenergia initiative to foster people's development through quality education and awareness of the importance of safe behavior in their activities. Coelba's goal is to encourage this training for women to work in a profession seen by society as primarily “male".
The action is part of the company's commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which make Gender Equality one of the major global goals to be achieved by 2030.
The launching event for the School of Electricians for Women will be attended by Governor Rui Costa, Neoenergia CEO Mário Ruiz-Tagle, Coelba CEO Fulvio Machado and members of the Group's Executive Board, as well as representatives of women's movements from the state of Bahia.
“We are committed to developing our team with quality content and focusing on performing their activities safely. The Electrician Schools in several cities in the state extend this commitment to society and now, with the new classes exclusively for women, we believe we are making an important contribution to gender equality in the state of Bahia." says Fulvio Machado.
More information on the websites www.coelba.com.br and www.fieb.org.br/senai
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