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Neoenergia launches online platform for monitoring the employees’ health and prevent Covid-19
“This is a agile communication platform, designed to establish an information base with the purpose of caring people, which are our main value”, says Harley Albuquerque, Safety and Health Manager at Neoenergia.
Employees will access the platform on any weekday to inform data on the previous seven days or when they show Covid-19 symptoms, such as cough or fever. “We will take actions according to the clinical assessment to be performed by our health teams. Those feeling anxiety, for example, will promptly receive the indication of professional psychological counseling, offered by the company through the program Mais Apoio”, explains Albuquerque.
HealthCheck platform, developed by the digital accelerator Neoris, uses SaaS model (Sofware as a Service) at AWS (Amazon Web Services) and can be accessed by computer, using Mozilla or Chrome browsers, or using the cell phone application (Android or iOS systems). After typing log-in information, the employee answers a brief questionnaire on is health condition, and reports travels and isolation in the two previous weeks
The software gathers information and allows that human resources and safety and health areas analyze all data on a simple and assertive basis. Depending on the answers, the teams may contact the employees or monitor the company’s areas with higher or lower risk. It is worth highlighting that data is encrypted and stored into a Neoenergia’s specific cloud and are not shared.
“The idea was to create a platform that provides easy interaction so that the company would be able to determine the health of its employees, using analytics. In one hand, it counts with a front-end with information input and, on the other hand, a back-end that enables an analytical assessment. It is a very interesting decision-making support tool and allows, using a simple interface, the company to get closer to its employees”, says Mauricio Piazza, Neoris business manager.
The tool is one of the numerous measures taken by Neoenergia to avoid infection. A thermographic camera that measures body temperature is another recent preventive actions against Covid-19 for Neoenergia employees. The system is placed and the entry of all facilities of the Company’s business units, such as generation plants and distributors’ headquarters, enabling the daily control for the employees who need do perform their work onsite. The result is ready in a few moments. If a temperature equal to or higher than 37.5ºC is detected, the employee is advised to return home and contact the company for monitoring, assessment of symptoms and testing.
The use of masks and social distancing are mandatory to employees. Neoenergia is also carrying out raising-awareness action, recommending the constant hand cleaning and providing hygiene products such as alcohol gel.
This initiative is part of Iberdrola group’s response to Coronavirus.
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