- Products and Solutions

Neoenergia releases WhatsApp numbers for customer service
By talking to the provider company directly via WhatsApp or QR Codes, the customer may be easily directed to over 50 services available, with no need to go to an agency. Furthermore, power outages may be reported via messages in the app by sending the number of the contracted account, thus expediting the service.
Also as a means of prevention, the provider company has restricted face-to-face services to New Connections, Transfer of Title, Reconnection, Debt Negotiation and Project Delivery.
Whatsapps :
Celpe: (81) 3217-6990
Coelba: (71) 3370-6350
Cosern: (84) 3215-6001
Elektro: (19) 2122-1696
The provider company opens its other digital channels to its customers:
Customer Relationship Center:
116 (Coelba, Celpe and Cosern)
0800 701 01 02 (Elektro)
IOS and Android system
Official Social Networks Channels :
SMS to report power outages:
Celpe/Coelba/Cosern: 26560
Elektro: 28116
This initiative is part of theIberdrola group's response to the Coronavírus.
Neoenergia lança campanha para fortalecer o relacionamento com o cliente
Neoenergia inaugura novo Centro de Monitoramento de Ativos da Transmissão em Campinas
Neoenergia anuncia parceria com Esporte Clube Bahia SAF para fornecimento de energia 100% renovável no mercado livre
Instituto Neoenergia cresce 25% em investimento social privado para cultura, biodiversidade, esporte e educação