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Neoenergia invests more than R$ 3,6 bi in distribution and transmission focused on service quality
Neoenergia has made significant investments in 2020, totaling R$ 4.2 billion allocated in the first nine months of the year. To offer even more quality and a better experience to its more than 14 million customers, the company allocated about 60% of its total Capex for the period to the distribution sector, responsible for delivering electricity to a population of approximately 34 million people. The amount, which reaches approximately R$ 2.5 billion, guarantees actions such as grid expansion, asset renewal, improvements in systems, actions to combat losses and technology projects. "The investments made by Neoenergia guarantee more security and reliability to the distribution systems, reflecting in the quality indicators and service predictability. These actions bring expressive benefits to customers and the positive results demonstrate our commitment to provide quality energy, with efficiency and good performance, for all our concession areas", comments the Distribution Executive officer, Fúlvio Machado.
Investments in expansion, automation, innovation and intelligent grids keep the four Neoenergia distributors – Coelba (BA), Celpe (PE), Cosern (RN) and Elektro (SP/MS) - within the limits established by the National Electrical Energy Agency (Aneel) for quality indicators that evaluate the average frequency of interruptions (FEC, measured in times) and the average duration of this (DEC, in hours). In nine months, the company delivered eight new substations and expanded the capacity of another 20, carried out maintenance on more than 38 thousand kilometers of the distribution grid, installed more than 1,100 reclosers and carried out more than 20 thousand grid shielding works.
The company continues to focus on the expansion of assets in transmission, in the first nine months of 2020, investments reached R$ 1.1 billion, allocated to the works of the lots acquired in the Transmission Auctions held by Aneel in 2017, 2018 and 2019. Among the actions are: assembly of towers, delivery of stretches and environmental studies to start new projects.
Currently, Neoenergia works on the construction of approximately 5,000 km of new lines, which will add to the 679 km already in operation. Investments are also made to improve and expand the company's substations, distributed in 13 states in Brazil. "It is important to emphasize that even in a troubled period lived by the country with the pandemic of the new Coronavirus, we kept our investments and the financial health of the company. The plan is to continue moving forward with the grid projects and the customer's experience as a priority in our actions", concludes Fúlvio.
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