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Bacia Potiguar (RN) conquista selo internacional de santuário ecológico de aves limícolas

Potiguar Basin (RN) wins international seal of ecological sanctuary for shorebirds


Title was promoted by the Flyways Brazil Project, supported by the Neoenergia Institute and

developed by SAVE Brasil in the cities of Galinhos, Guamaré and Macau (RN)

Created for the preservation of shorebirds and their habitats in the Potiguar Basin, the Flyways Brazil Project made an important contribution to the international recognition of three cities in this region in Rio Grande do Norte as species protection areas. The municipalities of Galinhos, Guamaré and Macau received the title of “WHSRN Site” this Monday (6/5), an acronym in English referring to the institution Hemispheric Reserves Network for Limícola Poultry, which awarded the seal. The project has the support of the Neoenergia Institute and is developed by SAVE Brazil.


O Instituto Neoenergia supported the initiative, since 2015, with biodiversity conservation actions on the Costa Branca, where the municipalities of Galinhos, Guamaré and Macau. In the region, migratory waders find the ideal environment for reproductive rest. This group of animals is one of the most threatened with extinction due to climate change, in addition to being fundamental to the balance of coastal ecosystems.

The execution of the Flyways Brazil Project is part of the Neoenergia Institute's Biodiversity and Climate Change pillar for mitigating the effects of weather conditions. Among other actions, biologists and ornithologists monitor shorebirds on the Costa Branca, including monitoring their permanence and behavior patterns.

“The winning of the title reflects our commitment to sustainable development in this region of the Potiguar Basin, in Rio Grande do Norte. We believe that this international recognition could significantly influence the adoption of new public policies aimed at protecting migratory shorebirds in Brazil,” says Renata Chagas, CEO of the Neoenergia Institute.

The Hemispheric Network of Shorebirds Reserves (WHSRN) has more than 446 partners and covers about 38.9 million hectares of shorebird habitats in 121 locations spread across 20 countries. The purpose of the institution is to protect and manage areas for the survival of shorebirds, through collaborative efforts between governments, non-governmental organizations, scientists, companies, local communities and others interested in

the conservation of these species.

