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Instituto Neoenergia abre inscrições para edital Transformando Energia em Cultura

Instituto Neoenergia opens registrations for the Transforming Energy into Culture public notice


The initiative is carried out in partnership with the company's distributors in the Federal District,

Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte and São Paulo

Rio de Janeiro, April 9, 2024

The Neoenergia Institute is open for registration for the Transforming Energy into Culture public tender program. Those interested have until April 29 to apply for the selection aimed at legal entities, such as cultural producers. The objective is to encourage the implementation of projects that stimulate the social inclusion of children, young people and women. Click here to register and check the regulations


The launch of the public notice program was marked by a live broadcast held this Monday (8/4), available on the Neoenergia Institute's YouTube channel . Other information is also available on the institution's Instagram. The meeting was attended by the artist Anelis Assumpção and Jurema Machado, Cultural Coordinator at UNESCO in Brazil and president of the Minas Gerais State Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage (IEPHA/MG


Made possible through state incentive laws, the initiative is a partnership between the Neoenergia Institute and the Neoenergia distributors in the Federal District (Neoenergia Brasília), Bahia (Neoenergia Coelba), Rio Grande do Norte (Neoenergia Cosern) and São Paulo (Neoenergia Elektro). In each location, the public notices present specific criteria, following the rules of each incentive law.

“Our goal is to select projects aligned with the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda to show how culture contributes positively to sustainable development. We are also committed to valuing local culture, its origins, traditions and influences,” says Renata Chagas, director

of the Neoenergia Institute.

The executive explains that in addition to the financial contribution, the selected organizations will be accompanied in other actions during the term of the notice. “We work to empower cultural micro-entrepreneurs by transmitting information and knowledge based on the 2030 Agenda. In addition, we propose to stimulate a network of exchanges and opportunities between participants to strengthen local culture”, adds Renata Chagas. In 2023, the public notice included 52 sociocultural projects in Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte and the Federal District, totaling more than R$ 7 million

in investments.

