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Neoenergia installs thermographic cameras for improving efficiency in combating Covid-19
When arriving at the workplace, the employee is guided to follow the marks placed at the floor that will lead them to the exact point where the equipment is installed. It takes just some seconds standing there in front of the camera and the technology identifies their body temperature. The result is ready in a few moments. If a temperature equal to or higher than 37.5ºC is detected, the employee is advised to return home and contact Neoenergia’s health and safety area for monitoring, assessment of symptoms and testing.
“The infrared thermographic camera is a leading technology that, using medical protocols, allows a thermal scanning of all employees that need to perform their work onsite. We have been improving the efficiency of our health and safety actions during the pandemic, showcasing Neoenergia’s concern with the well-being of its staff, ensuring the performance of an essential service as the electric energy”, says Hugo Vidal, Coelba’s Health and Safety manager.
This tool is placed in the headquarters of all company’s distributors (Coelba/BA, Celpe/PE, Cosern/RN and Elektro/SP and MS), as well at the company’s headquarters in Rio de Janeiro and Bongi advanced unit in Pernambuco. In addition, Termope (PE) and Baixo Iguaçu (PR) power generation plants also have this thermographic camera technology.
Neoenergia is carrying out a set of actions aimed to prevent Covid-19 spread to keep the continuity and quality of the essential services of energy supply and serving the population. In the quarantine beginning, it implemented a remote business hours for over 4 thousand employees, adapting in just 4 days, the most part of its operational and technological structure.
The company has a safety technicians team that examine the performance of own employees and service providers operation, reiterating preventive practices and the guidance of the health authorities for preventing the new coronavirus. The use of masks by all professionals and the distancing between them is mandatory. In addition, actions are carried out to raise awareness and hygiene kits containing hand sanitizers are supplied. The presence of the technician in field activities highlights the importance of the safe behavior, and establishes the company’s commitment with the safety and health of each and all employees.
This initiative is part of Iberdrola group’s response to Coronavirus.
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