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Neoenergia starts operation of smart meters



Neoenergia has just started the operation of smart meters installed in Atibaia, Bom Jesus dos Perdões and Nazaré Paulista, in São Paulo countryside, under the Energy of the Future Project. Thus, Elektro - the group’s energy distributor operating in the region - now receives consumption information - directly and on a daily basis, with no need to go to the properties to carry out the reading. And additional benefit is that the company receives warnings upon the occurrence of energy outages, providing agility for correcting any faults in a faster and more assertive manner.

An example of this is when a tree branch touches the electrical grid and causes a short circuit that interrupts the supply in some neighborhood. Meters identify that the service is not reaching houses with the expected voltage and promptly conveys the warning the company’s Operation Center. As all meters in the region affected will send the warning, the company will have the accurate size of the problem with no need for customers to contact it.

The meters are a part of the smart grids, a global trend in the energy market, and envisage the use of innovation to improve the service quality. Other technology deployed under Energy of the Future Project and also a part of this modernization movement is AIRsystem, meaning Network Smart Automation​, an ally for reducing the scope and duration of power outages. The system features and integrated intelligence and, based of reclosers placed in the poles, it operates so that the fault can be solved in few seconds, with no need for human intervention.

An additional feature of smart meters for the customers will be provided in the next months. In 2021, consumers will be able to check their daily consumption at the company’s website. This benefit will even be useful for savings, as customers will be aware, for example, the amount of consumption decrease when they turn off electric showers or air conditioning during one day. The transparency of the daily amount consumed may encourage a more conscious use of electric energy.​



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