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Neoenergy hires more than 180 female electricians in the first half of 2023
Graduated from the School of Electricians, collaborators are already
working in the concession areas of distributors
Rio de Janeiro, August 28, 2023
Committed to expanding female participation in Brazilian society, NeoEnergia concluded the first half of 2023 with 181 more female electricians hired by five distributors in Bahia, Federal District, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte and São Paulo. The new employees were graduated from the School of Electricians and represent about 85% of the 207 students who completed the course in the 26 classes held during the period.
“The training course for electricians was the first step towards a transformation in my life. My hiring as an electrician at NeoEnergia filled my heart with joy and hope. Everything changed for the better. Today, I am an independent woman who writes a new story, thanks to my work,” says Rayane Gadelha, an electrician at Neoenergy Cosern, a Neoenergy distributor in Rio Grande do Norte that serves around 1.5 million customers in
the state.
The hiring of women electricians is growing every year. In 2022, 41 female electricians were hired out of 66 graduates. In addition, many of the 563 electricians trained since the beginning of the creation of the School of Electricians in 2017, have already started to grow their profession and to occupy new
positions within Neoenergy.
“The School of Electricians has clear objectives. In addition to providing work and income opportunities for women, the initiative expands female inclusion in society. It is a commitment that is in line with the company's values to encourage gender equity. In addition, professional training ensures the necessary qualification for the best provision of services to the sector ,” says Régia Barbosa, superintendent of
Organizational Development and Culture at Neoenergy.
Since its creation, the School of Electricians has trained 5,692 electricians, 4,848 men (3,679 hired) and 844 women (563 hired). Classes are taught by the National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI), in the Northeast and in the Federal District; and by the Technology Support Foundation (FAT/ETEC)
, in São Paulo.
The content is divided into two parts, the theoretical and the practical, allowing for complete training for students. All people over the age of 18, completed high school education and a National Driver's License (CNH) can register
NeoEnergia already has 3,000 women in its workforce, in all areas of the company. Of these, more than 380 hold leadership positions within the corporation
The School of Electricians initiative was a pioneer in creating classes for women in order to promote diversity and inclusion, and is recognized as a global example of one of the Principles of Women's Empowerment by WeEmpower, a UN Women program with the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the European Union, for encourage good business practices.
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