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Enase 2024: Neoenergia acredita no avanço da produção do hidrogênio verde no país com aprovação de marco regulatório no Senado

Enase 2024: Neoenergia believes in the advancement of green hydrogen production in the country with the approval of a regulatory framework in the Senate


Company executive considers that approval of Bill 2,308/2023 no

Senate creates necessary conditions for the development of the H2V market


The approval yesterday (19/6) in the Federal Senate of Bill 2,308/2023, which establishes the regulatory framework for the production of green hydrogen, was one of the main topics discussed this Thursday at Enase, an event that brings together the main representatives of the Brazilian electricity sector in Rio de Janeiro. “It's a game-changer that establishes clear rules for market development, ensuring more legal and regulatory certainty for decision-making by investors,” said Tatsumi Igarashi, Head of

Green Hydrogen at Neoenergia.

For the executive, the development of low-carbon hydrogen production will help in the process of decarbonizing segments that are still difficult to reduce CO2 emissions. “Brazil is facing a great opportunity to leverage other sectors, such as the nitrogen fertilizer industry and petrochemicals, for example. Brazil imports 95% of fertilizers and, today, it is the fourth largest market in the world, in other words, the demand is here. In the future, we can use this vector to produce high added value products,” he added


Regarding Neoenergia's operations, Tatsumi Igarashi reported that the company has the support of the Spanish parent company Iberdrola, which has green hydrogen plants operating in Spain.

Neoenergia currently has five cooperation agreements with governments and companies for green hydrogen projects in Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro. The company is also undergoing a research and development project, with the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), to implement the first green hydrogen plant in Brazil


