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Neoenergia Institute launches popular vote for Inspirar Award 2024
Internet users have until August 11 to choose winners
The Neoenergia Institute has a popular vote open until August 11 to elect the winners of the Inspire 2024 Award. In its fourth edition, the initiative values female leadership in initiatives in the field of art and culture, carried out in various Brazilian regions. Voting must be done here on the award page
.“Private social investment is fundamental to advance gender equity in Brazilian society. Our commitment is to provide opportunities for women's empowerment through art and culture,” says Renata Chagas, CEO
of the Neoenergia Institute.Among the 16 winners, two will be selected on cultural merit, and the remaining 14 will be chosen by popular vote. Together, they will share a total prize of R$ 122,800, designed to recognize their contributions to sustainable development. The winners will be announced at the award ceremony in August
.The Inspire Award aims to give visibility to the work of female leaders and their stories of social transformation. The focus is on strengthening the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 - Gender Equality, in alignment with the 2030 Agenda, to promote actions with the potential to generate multiplier effects and contribute to progress towards
sustainable development.Created by the Neoenergia Institute, the initiative is carried out with the support of the five Neoenergia distributors — Neoenergia Brasília (DF), Neoenergia Coelba (BA), Neoenergia Cosern (RN), Neoenergia Elektro (SP/MS) and Neoenergia Pernambuco (PE) — and has the technical partnership of Baluarte Cultura.
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