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Neoenergia opens vacancies for Electrician Schools in Bahia, São Paulo and the Federal District
Free professional training course will have exclusive classes
In Bahia and reservation of places for women in other locations
Rio de Janeiro, October 30, 2023
Committed to expanding employment opportunities and income in the Brazilian electricity sector, Neoenergia is open for enrollment at the School of Electricians in Bahia, São Paulo and the Federal District. Altogether there will be 12 classes, two of which are exclusive for women and 50% of the places reserved for the female audience. The courses are offered free of charge by Neoenergia distributors operating in these concession areas — Neoenergia Coelba (BA), Neoenergia Elektro (SP) and Neoenergia Brasília (DF) — in partnership with Senai and ETEC/FATEC.
Registrations are available on the Neoenergia website.
“The objective is to promote professional training for those who wish to work in the market, whether as self-employed or as an employee of a company. In addition, we are contributing to increasing the participation of women in this segment. Gender equity is one of our priorities,” says Régia Barbosa, Superintendent of Organizational Development and Culture at Neoenergia.
The course will last 6 to 9 months, depending on the location, with remote theoretical classes and face-to-face practice. The prerequisites for enrolling are: residing in the available areas, being over 18 years old, completing high school education, and a National Driver's License (CNH) in categories B, C or D.
Neoenergia has already trained 5,876 students at the School of Electricians in the last 10 years. Of this total, 4,355 were hired by the five distributors — Neoenergia Brasília (DF), Neoenergia Coelba (BA), Neoenergia Cosern (RN), Neoenergia Elektro (SP/MS) and Neoenergia Pernambuco (PE) — and about 600 women.
Distrito Federal — Neoenergia Brasília: registrations by 31/10. 25 places will be offered for classes at Gama.
Bahia — Neoenergia Coelba: registrations by 3/11. Five classes, with 125 places, two exclusively for women in Feira de Santana and Teixeira de Freitas. The other cities are Irecê, Lauro de Freitas
and Paulo Afonso.
São Paulo - Neoenergia Elektro: registrations by 5/11. Six classes, with 150 places, for the cities of Andradina, Cunha, Itapeva, Itanhaém, Tatuí and Teodoro Sampaio.
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