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Neoenergia distributors invest R$ 161.3 million in energy efficiency in 2023


Resources grew by around 30% compared to 2022

Rio de Janeiro, January 19, 2024 — Neoenergia invested R$ 161.3 million in 2023 to promote the efficient use of electricity in concession areas of its five distributors — Neoenergia Brasília (DF), Neoenergia Coelba (BA), Neoenergia Cosern (RN), Neoenergia Elektro (SP/MS) and Neoenergia Pernambuco (PE). The amount is 30% higher compared to the 2022 investment of almost R$ 124 million. The funds were allocated through the Energy Efficiency Program regulated by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL).

Replacement of more efficient lamps and appliances for residential customers

Among the highlights are the exchange of more than 900 thousand LED bulbs for residential customers and about three thousand institutions located in popular communities. The distributors also replaced 2,447 old refrigerators in the Federal District, São Paulo and Pernambuco, 717 for consumers in municipalities affected by rains in the states of

São Paulo and Pernambuco.

Solar power plants

In Bahia, Neoenergia Coelba signed an agreement to install a new solar plant and energy storage system at the Santo Antônio Hospital, the heart of the Sister Dulce Social Works (OSID), in Salvador. The distributor also signed with the Salvador City Hall to install 13 solar power plants totaling 175 kilowatts-peak (kWp) on the roofs of the Residencial Mané Dendê buildings, in the Ilha Amarela community. The project is due to be completed this year and will be the distributor's first to serve low-income residential consumers with photovoltaic

solar generation.

We are committed to investing in actions for the benefit of an efficient, just and supportive energy transition. For this reason, we focus on actions that positively impact populations from low-income communities, non-profit institutions, and the public authorities. These are initiatives that are aligned with our values, such as preservation and decarbonization through the consumption of increasingly efficient electricity, says Ana Mascarenhas, superintendent of

Energy Efficiency at Neoenergia.

The executive added that the company approved, last year, with ANEEL, a pilot project to measure carbon emissions. The proposal is to identify the amount of CO² avoided to include this gain in the viability of energy efficiency projects


Public facilities

Over 1,893 public and welfare buildings, such as schools, hospitals, and philanthropic institutions, benefited in the concession areas. In addition to the replacement of more than 344 thousand lamps, 45 photovoltaic solar systems were installed, totaling 9.5 MWp. To increase the efficiency of public lighting, 52 municipalities were assisted with the installation of 37.3 thousand points with LED technology. Over 2,200 LED lamps were replaced at sanitation companies in Bahia, the Federal District, Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco,

in addition to Metro-DF.

Vale Luz

In 2023, Neoenergia's five distributors recycled more than 2.2 thousand tons of waste through Vale Luz, a project that offers discounts on energy bills based on the exchange of waste, such as paper, glass, plastic and electronic products. In 2023, the dealerships deducted more than R$ 1.1 million on the invoices of more than 32,000 consumers who replaced almost 70,000 bulbs with the most efficient LED bulbs.

Real-time consumption monitoring

To guide conscious consumption, the company has already started installing energy meters that collect and make data available on a platform for consumers to track their spending in real time. The project started by Neoenergia Coelba and will be extended

to other distributors.

Conscious education

In addition, Neoenergia believes that the change of habits occurs through awareness, driven by educational projects in public schools and other teaching units, which trained 9.6 thousand teachers and more than 222 thousand students on the efficient use of electricity. A special circuit on energy efficiency was installed at the SESI Lab in Brasília, in partnership with SENAI


