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Neoenergia creates engagement project for employees during pandemic
Energia Que Não Se Apaga is Neoenergia's bet to encourage its over 12 thousand employees in engagement and development actions during the pandemic period. With the change in the work format - currently, at least 4 thousand employees are working from home - and in line with recommendations of the health authorities, the company developed a program that fosters the active participation of its departments, the collaborative production of content, training and the reinforcement of strategic matters in order to strengthen the link between the company and the employee during this period.
The entire planning was designed to encourage the creation and sharing of content by the areas, in addition to promoting collaboration, empathy and rapprochement to the business. The program was implemented over two months, with outstanding adhesion of the internal audience and has been showing great results. “Collaboration and collective sense were reinforced in the company", highlights Régia Barbosa, Neoenergia's superintendent of organizational development.
The initiatives were designed based on Neoenergia's strategic pillars and ensure the continuity and sustainability of the business. In addition, they seek to develop leaders with important skills for performance in a crisis scenario, comprising the role of each one, providing support and motivation to their teams. “Our main goal by creating this program is to keep the employees' main role, engagement and sense of belonging during this unprecedented and challenging period. Actions are focused in the best way of navigating this period, both in personal and professional fields", says the executive.
Among the highlights of the project are the virtual meetings involving the entire company, with the attendance of the CEO and business executives, sharing information on the company and actions against Covid-19. The moment enables the sharing among the participants, with time dedicated to questions and rapprochement of all hierarchy levels of the company. The #Neoemcasa Forum was also developed, which allows the sharing of successful cases in teleworking and the reinforcement of relevant themes for the company, such as safety, energy recovery and volunteering. “We also give priority to keep the improvement and training up-to-date during the remote work. We encourage the continuous learning and self-development, sharing of internal and external content, language classes, among other initiatives", she reinforces.
When developing the program, the Human Resources area promoted an internal survey to learn which themes the employees would like to see addressed and the most mentioned was emotional intelligence. According to Régia, they need to carry out practical actions, thinking in how that content would make sense in the people's daily lives. “The entire program was developed with this in mind, organizing themes such as agile leadership, encouraging collaboration and improved processes, daily hours, among other topics consistent with everyone's routine", concludes Régia Barbosa.
This initiative is part of Iberdrola group's responde to Coronavrus.
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