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Neoenergia completes 10 years of Vale Luz in Rio Grande do Norte with almost nine thousand families benefited



Upon completing 10 years in Rio Grande do Norte, Neoenergia's Vale Luz program reaches the mark of 8,820 families benefiting from discounts on the bill through the exchange of recyclable solid waste. Throughout this period, there have been more than R $ 380 thousand of bonus in the accounts. In parallel, more than 1,200 tons of materials were treated correctly according to environmental legislation. The initiative is an action of the distributor's Energy Efficiency Program , regulated by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel).

"Vale Luz is an extremely appropriate project to help reduce the value of the energy bill, promote sustainability actions and contribute to the decarbonization of the planet," says Ana Mascarenhas, Superintendent of Energy Efficiency at Neoenergia.

The program works in itinerant tents and in fixed locations in the capital Natal and other municipalities. The exchange system is quite simple. At all points, it is possible to exchange materials, such as aluminum cans or PET bottles, for "Merrecas", currency created by Neoenergia. The waste will be weighed and the discounts will be accounted for directly in the electricity bill. For every 10 Merrecas accumulated, R$ 0.80 discount is generated. The exchange can also be done by LED lamps. 

Other recyclable materials such as cardboard, office paper, newspapers, plastic bags, cleaning product packaging, glass bottles, cans of soft drinks and other food products, tetra pak packaging and even properly filtered cooking oil and inside transparent PET or glass bottles are also accepted.

Vale Luz also benefits customers enrolled in the Social Tariff of Electric Energy (TSEE) and residents of popular communities through the replacement of lamps by LED lamps, more economical and with prolonged duration. Those interested must present the energy bill of the previous month paid and be up to date with the distributor. In addition, the customer may not have changed lamps in projects of the concessionaire in the last six years (maximum limit of 8 lamps) and must deliver the incandescent, fluorescent or halogen lamps used (power equal to or greater than 14W).   








