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Neoenergia Institute and CIEDS distribute meals to communities in RJ and SP
Instituto Neoenergia, in partnership with (Centro Integrado de Estudos e Programas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável) allied to promote the distribution of meals to the most vulnerable populations in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo communities. For doing so, they have the support of local entrepreneurs from these regions.
This action is part of the project named Pessoas e Negócios Saudáveis (Healthy People and Business) promoted by CIEDS, and is one of the emergency actions of the Institute to combat Covid-19 pandemic, in order to ensure food safety of people in high social vulnerability and generate income to entrepreneurs in Maré, Santa Luzia and Coqueiro communities in Rio de Janeiro, and Caieiras, Franco da Rocha and Francisco Morato in São Paulo.
“Our main goal is to ensure the food safety, and provide food immediately to the most vulnerable people, while contributing to survival and sustainability of the small restaurants and community kitchens, which were economically impacted by the pandemic, by building a hub network of Food Safety”, explains Renata Chagas, Neoenergia Institute’s CEO.
In the first week of the project, starting on May 11, 2,200 meals were distributed at the six hubs. The forecast is that 54 thousand meals will be distributed during the next six months, and each business will provide 50 meals/day.
Neoenergia Institute is aimed at fostering the development of social and environmental action in the areas of operation of Neoenergia, its sponsor, by supporting society in the management and promotion of selected projects, reinforcing the company’s brand and commitment with the development of local culture and economy. For the 2018 to 2022 cycle, the challenge of Instituto Neoenergia is to collaborate directly with the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN. The main objectives are the contribution to the improvement of the life quality of the most vulnerable people and the commitment to sustainable development, through carrying out projects in the scope of the pillars: Training and Research, Biodiversity and Climate Change, Art and Culture, Social Action and Institutional Collaboration, which seeks alliances to achieve the SDGs.
CIEDS promotes social solutions that generate income, improved health, better education, higher confidence in the future and, above all, prosperity. CIEDS believes that each individual has the knowledge and potential to change their lives and communities. For 20 years, it has been achieving results that changed the lives of thousands of individuals, creating opportunities for those who need it most. This is enabled by building networks with strategic partners who are committed with a better Brazil for all. Learn more accessing www.cieds.org.br.
This initiative is part of Iberdrola group’s response to Coronavirus.
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