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Neoenergia Institute opens registration for Inspire Award 2023



The Neoenergia Institute opens registration this Friday (26/5) for the Inspire Award 2023. In this third edition, the initiative will recognize 16 female leaders who have been working for at least a year in the field of art and culture, with a positive impact in areas of social vulnerability in six states – Bahia, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte and São Paulo – and in the Federal District.

Those interested should register on the Neoenergia Institute website by June 21. On the page, the regulation of the notice and the list of municipalities contemplated in each state are also available. R$ 140,000 will be distributed to the 16 winners in three categories: women (individual or individual microentrepreneur); collectives (non-formalized groups represented by a female leader responsible for the submission); and organizations (legal entities, with women in legal representation, and with annual revenues of up to R$ 1 million). 

Of the total awardees, three are still selected by the External Committee of Experts of the award, for cultural merit; and the other 13, by popular vote. In São Paulo, the registrations are valid for the municipalities of the concession areas of Neoenergia Elektro. In Rio de Janeiro, the candidates must work in the capital and in cities of the Baixada Fluminense. In the other states and in the Federal District, all locations are covered.

"Recognizing the work developed by the leaders values the role of women in the field of art and culture. In addition, the award inspires others to follow the same path," says Renata Chagas, director of the Neoenergia Institute. 

According to the executive, the award plays a fundamental role in giving visibility to the role of women in the promotion of artistic and cultural activities, carried out in vulnerable regions.

" The Neoenergia Institute strengthens and fosters the unique work done by women who dream and make a difference. With the Inspire Award, we honor women who struggle to meet the social challenges of their communities. We also believe that the initiative is a way to strengthen gender equality as an essential path to achieve sustainable development. We want the actions led by these women to echo and stimulate social transformation in the different regions of the country," adds Renata Chagas.

The Inspire Award is held by the Neoenergia Institute, with the collaboration of the company's five distributors – Neoenergia Brasília (DF), Neoenergia Coelba (BA), Neoenergia Cosern (RN), Neoenergia Elektro (SP/MS), Neoenergia Pernambuco (PE) –, in addition to the technical partnership of Baluarte Cultura. 







