Feedback in the work environment. Hints to take advantage of this time
In the corporate environment, this practice means the chance for professionals to acknowledge positive and negative points about their performance and review behaviors that can be improved.
The term feedback means to respond to an attitude or behavior. Within this context, the concept of feedback is defined as the communication made between two or more people, in which one of them is assessed by the others as to his/her actions, behaviors and tasks, among other aspects.
Basically, this concept is applied when someone tells other people what this person thinks about their performance and how they can improve it. This leads to improved performance and helps people find out something they had never realized.
In the corporate world, this practice is a chance for professionals to acknowledge positive and negative points of their daily performance, so they can review behaviors that can be improved and make progress in their career and even in their personal lives.
At this time, it is critical to profit the most from the feedback given and apply constant improvements from then on. For this reason, we have selected a few tips. We hope you make the best use of them:
1. Consider it as an opportunity
Face feedback as a possibility for growth and not as a time for praise only, or else as a time to point out mistakes, failures and problems. Show that you are open for change and that you are interested in developing.
2. Listen actively
Listen carefully before voicing your considerations. Remember that this is a time for development that will contribute to your career. The individual providing feedback has probably gathered evidence and spoken to peers to prepare for the occasion. One of the biggest mistakes is thinking that feedback means criticism. In practice, focal points are being approached that can be strengthened, or else points to be developed, which will help you become an even better professional.
3. Expose your point of view and try to make sure you understand all the points
Feedback is also an action of commitment, acknowledgement, and exchange of insights. It is not just about listening. It is important to exchange information, ask questions, and expose your point of view. Try to understand what is being said, even if you disagree. It is always important to listen to the feedback and take it into consideration, thinking about your professional growth.
4. Identify and plan the next steps
Write down, listen, and afterwards make an analysis to reflect and outline an individual development plan. It is important to check with the person who is giving you the feedback how you can turn what has been said into development actions, what resources are required to perform them, what the feasible time is to do this, and how to measure the results.
Feedback at Neoenergia
At Neoenergia, employees at all company levels are assessed annually by means of the Performance Management Program (PGD), and they get feedback from their direct leader. According to the company, at this stage, its professionals have the chance to acknowledge the development obtained over the previous year and analyze those behaviors that can be improved to go on evolving in their careers and even in their personal lives.
Now that you are more prepared to get feedback, use it to your advantage constructively. Remember, you play the leading role of your personal and professional growth!