Electrical Engineering, the occupation which helps the modern world to work
“I want to be an Electrical Engineer". Many professionals are born from such desire and act in one of the most important Brazilian markets. Have you ever imagined living nowadays without electricity? Well, electrical engineers are the ones responsible for planning, constructing and maintaining systems to generate, transmit and distribute electrical energy. From the household use, computer networks, telecommunications, medicine, as well as many other activities, the electrical energy is indispensable, and the electrical engineer takes care for the assurance of the supply and distribution.
The specialist designing electrical systems and seeking for innovative solutions for low, medium and high voltage installations may act at plants, substations, transmission lines, telecommunications, construction companies and industries using or manufacturing electrical and automation systems. They may also do their job at governmental entities (regulatory agencies, ministries, secretaries and Municipal, State and Federal institutions), as a professor and researcher at universities, as well as in the private sector. Telecommunications, telephone services, civil construction, industrial maintenance, information technology (IT), mines and petroleum industry are some of the sectors employing electrical engineers. Infrastructure works, investments in renewable energy sector, industrial and telecommunication expansions are also factors influencing the demand for such specialists.
Currently, all the industries need electrical energy to operate, from agriculture and livestock to high technology, such as satellites and aircrafts and, consequently, they need electrical engineers capable of developing various systems, such as: electrical energy generation, transmission and distribution systems; control and automation systems; instrumentation systems; and analogical and digital electronic systems.
Neoenergia has currently more than 500 electrical engineers, who act in different areas of the company. On November 23, the Electrical Engineer's Day is celebrated - a more than deserved date, the same date as the foundation of Instituto Eletrotécnico de Itajubá, currently known as Universidade Federal de Engenharia de Itajubá (UNIFEI), in Minas Gerais, and we are really proud to have such professionals as the “heart" of our company. Here, they do different jobs, which range from planning and performing inspections, audits, projects and budgets for electrical system improvement and adjustment works to monitoring preventive and corrective maintenance services, among other relevant jobs for the company and society.
The occupation of engineer has been regulated in Brazil since 1933. In order to exercise it, one is required to take the higher education course of Engineering, which lasts on average five years - as well as the most of traditional engineering courses, and obtain the register with the Regional Engineering, Architecture and Agronomy Board (CREA).
The first two years of the course are comprised of basic subjects, that is, contents to provide the students with support in order to learn the more specific subjects. Some of such fundamental subjects are calculus and basics on engineering. However, the last three years are the ones that actually qualify the professional in the area of Electrical Engineering. The subjects taken in such course are based on electricity, such as electrical circuits, energy conversion, electrical machinery, amongst others.
Electronics and microelectronics: professional responsible for the operation of mobile phones (and even SIM cards) and more sophisticated devices, in addition to the development of electronic industrial equipment in assembly line.
Electrotechnics: from the project to the energy storage networks, they are the professionals performing their development and implementation.
Computer Science: the electrical engineers may also act in the development of basic systems for some electronic components, such as hardware - motherboards, for example.
Instrumentation: the specialists are responsible for creating equipment that facilitates the life of other professionals, who also act in the area, such as electrical voltage meters.
Telecommunications: the electrical engineers contribute to this area by designing and installing transmission networks, developing devices in the telephone universe, among other jobs.