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Solar energy generates savings of up to 95% in the electricity bill and values real estate


With more than 20 years working in the electricity sector, Neoenergia offers solutions for the installation of residential solar panels, a sustainable investment


Photovoltaic system installed at home in the interior of São Paulo


Clean energy sources are an important way to contribute to the preservation of the environment by not emitting greenhouse gases. Currently, there are many options that allow the generation of carbon-free energy and one has extrapolated the benefits of sustainability, being recognized also for its high financial profitability. The generation of solar power.

By leading to a reduction of up to 95% in the electricity bill, the savings provided by this technology is sufficient not only to pay for its acquisition and installation, but also to generate profitability for a long time, since its useful life is more than 20 years. With the savings in the invoice, the amount paid by the system is compensated between three and five years after installation and profitability is generated for more than 15 years.  

Because it does not suffer direct interference from unknown variables and depends solely on climatic conditions, which can be predicted based on historical averages, this is a low-risk application. Solar systems are considered one of the best investments, with rapid financial return and this results in an appreciation for real estate with this technology that can reach between 3% and 6%, according to a survey conducted in the United States by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The survey showed that consumers are willing to pay about R $ 40 thousand more for houses with equipment already installed.  

"In exponential growth in Brazil, residential solar energy has several financing opportunities, including the possibility of offering a monthly portion to purchase the system with value similar to the old energy bill. Therefore, the expense is replaced by the acquisition of a system that has guaranteed financial return and in a short time. This is one of the best investments available in the market, with a return of three to five years, long service life, a 25-year warranty for photovoltaic modules and the possibility of financing with very lowinstallments", says the Director of Liberalized Business at Neoenergia, Hugo Nunes.  

On the Neoenergia website, it is possible to make a simulation of the savings values with the installation of solar panels and the purchase of the system. The company offers a pioneering online platform in Brazil so that customers can follow the entire process of purchasing and installing panels. The company has more than 25MWp traded, enough energy to supply approximately 16,700 people.  

How does residential solar power work?  

When panels are installed and start generating power, consumption can happen in two ways. One of them is so-called self-consumption, which is the immediate use of energy. If the production is higher than the demand for the residence, this surplus can generate credits, which can be used in the electricity bill within five years. By consuming the energy produced in the panels, the consumer also has the advantage of not being subject to variations in tariff flags.  

"An example of this is if a residence system is generating power during the day and residents are not consuming all production at home. This surplus goes to the distributor's electricity grid and is converted into credits. This means that if the same family uses household appliances at night or at times when there is no generation on the solar panels, they can still use the credits to compensate for that energy and not pay in the electricitybill," explains Hugo Nunes.  

The case cited as an example by the company's director shows that, even with the system, the residence remains connected to the distributor's electricity network. This provides security for the power supply to be continuous, even when there is no generation by the plates.  

It is for all these advantages that solar energy is growing in the country. In its Ten-Year Plan, the Energy Research Company (EPE), the body responsible for studying energy sources in Brazil, estimates that by 2030 the installed capacity of distributed generation – which encompasses homes and companies with solar systems – can be four to six times the current size - 4.2 GW. Of this total, 93% are from photovoltaic source. The number of consumers should be between 2 and 3 million.  


Solar energy is an inexhaustible source of energy, and is also considered a renewable source of generation, because it does not emit greenhouse gases. According to a study by the Brazilian Association of Energy Conservation Services Companies (Abesco), a house that has a typical consumption of approximately R$ 144 per month when using solar energy prevents the emission of approximately 1,300 kilos of CO2 into the atmosphere. ​​
