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ENEM: Check the dates, what you can bring to the exam and other questions
Thousands of Brazilian students prepare every year for the National High School Exam (Enem). Since 1998, the tests have assessed students' performance at the end of basic education. In 2009, Enem became the main tool for access to public and private higher education in the country.
The exam takes place on November 3 and 10, 2024, and contains 180 objective questions on four areas of knowledge: Languages, Codes and their technologies; Human Sciences and their technologies; Natural Sciences and their technologies; and Mathematics and its technologies. An essay is also applied, with a dissertative-argumentative text, based on a given theme.
Requirements for Enem
There is no minimum or maximum age to register for Enem. The tests are given to those who have completed or are still studying at secondary school. Many students, known as "treineiros", take the exams to test their knowledge and prepare themselves for when they actually apply for a place at university.
The National Institute for Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) guarantees specialized assistance and treatment by social name for those who wish to be recognized according to their gender identity, as well as various accessibility resources. There is also an application for people who are deprived of their liberty.
Enem scores can be used in the Unified Selection System (Sisu) and the University for All Program (ProUni), which are accepted at universities all over the country and at more than 50 institutions in Portugal. With the results obtained it is possible to apply for government student financing, such as the Student Financing Fund (Fies).
Enem in digital format
In 2020, the federal government also started to administer the tests in digital format. At first, 15 capitals had the tests in this format. Only those who have finished or are in the last year of high school can choose the new model. Participants who need special assistance must take the exam in the traditional way. The Ministry of Education's goal is to make Enem 100% online by 2026.
In the face-to-face exams, students must bring an identification document and the printed registration confirmation card, as well as a pencil and a black ballpoint pen made of transparent material. Students may not enter the exam room with cell phones, sunglasses, caps, hats or alcoholic beverages. Water and food are allowed.
How does Neoenergia act on test days?
To guarantee the supply of energy in the regions where it operates, Neoenergia, through its distributors in Bahia, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte, São Paulo and Brasília, carries out continuous maintenance and improvements to the electrical grid. Every year, the company inspects more than 3,000 km of the electricity distribution network in order to meet important events on the calendar, such as ENEM. Inspections are carried out periodically, with preventive maintenance on electrical circuits and the structuring of schedules for the possible deployment of technical teams.
During the two main days, the company is mobilizing more than 700 employees and suspending any kind of shutdown at the test venues, following strategic planning.
In addition, the Call Center services operate on a different scale. There is also continuous remote monitoring of the areas, to guarantee the full operation of the electricity system and avoid any interruption during the tests.
Neoenergia lança campanha para fortalecer o relacionamento com o cliente
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