Myths and Truths: Electrical Safety
Electrical safety is an extremely important topic, both inside and outside the home. From installation to use and maintenance of electrical equipment, attention to proper standards and practices can prevent serious accidents, such as electric shock, fire, and damage.
Below are some myths and truths about electrical safety, covering common everyday situations, constructions and repairs, parties, and periods of rain:
Civil construction is the activity in which accidents involving the electrical grid occur the most in Brazil
Truth. According to the Brazilian Association of Electric Power Distributors (Abradee), civil construction is the activity in which most accidents involving the electrical grid occur in Brazil. In most cases, due to lack of basic care such as maintaining a safe distance from the network, redouble attention with iron bars, battens and other types
of metallic materials.
Turning off the circuit breaker completely eliminates the risk during electrical repairs
Myth. Turning off the circuit breaker or power panel is an important step in ensuring safety, but it's not always enough. It is essential to verify that the power has actually been cut off in the area where the work will be carried out, using a voltage tester. In addition, the repair must be done only by qualified professionals, who use appropriate tools and follow technical standards
On rainy days, avoid using electrical equipment, even if it is inside the house
Using electrical tape is sufficient to fix exposed wires
The electrical installation at outdoor parties must follow the same safety standards as in residential facilities
During floods, choose to use elevators
Agricultural tractors and machines must be used carefully close to electrical networks
rural accidents.
Whenever possible, prune trees that are close to the electrical grid on the street
All types of wires pose a risk of shock
Sockets with Benjamin, also known as “T”, are safe to connect multiple devices at the same time
Throwing water on a fire can result in electric shock or explosion
In case of wires dropped after thunderstorms, the energy is not transmitted through the ground
The domestic environment may pose some risks in the use of electrical energy
Is it safe to install electrical equipment outside without specific protection
short circuit.
Learn more:
- Safety on the street
- Safety at home
- Safety during school holidays
- Fire safety
- Safety in the event of floods
- Safety in renovations and buildings
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