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Customers of Neoenergia’s concessionaries may request social tariff by Whatsapp



Now it's easier to request the Energy Social Tariff Benefit with Neoenergia's concessionaries: Celpe (PE), Coelba (BA), Cosern (RN) and Elektro (SP e MS). Families enrolled with Single Register for Federal Government Social Programs, with monthly income per capita lower than or equal to half national minimum wage well be able to enroll with the concessionaire by Whatsapp, starting next Monday, April 13.

It's quite simple: the customer just need to inform the number of Neoenergia's contracting account and the NIS - Social Identification Number. The corresponding concessionaire will confirm the data with the Federal Government's database. After confirming data, the term for inclusion in Energy Social Tariff is five business days and the customer will enjoy the benefit as from the next bill.

For beneficiaries who are not the holder of the contracting account must include the Tax Payer Number (CPF) and ID card of the NIS holder. Is such case, the customer needs to make a photo of the documents and send by WhatsApp, together with NIS number. The enrollment may also be done through the concessionaire website: www.neoenergia.com



Celpe: (81) 3217-6990   

Coelba: (71) 3370-6350   

Cosern: (84) 3215-6001

Elektro: (19) 2122-1696 




What is the Electric Energy Social Tariff?

It's a benefit created by the Federal Government for low-income households. It consists in the reduction of the energy consumption tariff by up to 65% and for indigenous and quilombola populations by up to 100%. The benefit is regulated by Law 12.212, dated January 10, 2010.



Who is entitled to Energy Social Tariff?

All Residential Consumption Units with families enrolled with the Single Register for Federal Government Social Programs. The customer must have a NIS - Social Identification Number and a family income lower than or equal to half national minimum wage, irrespective of being or not a beneficiary of Bolsa Família. 

Which are the documents required for enrolling with Social Tariff?

Information on documents for Enrollment of Social Tariff can be found at Neoenergia website, at the link www.neoenergia.com

