Sustainability Indices and Data
Check out Neoenergia's sustainability indexes and data.
Neoenergia is included in several Sustainability Indexes, reflecting its commitment to sustainable development, which contributes to creating value for all its stakeholders.

For the third consecutive year, Neoenergia remains in the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) B3 portfolio — Brazil, Bolsa, Balcão.

It achieved the score A- in the CDP climate change notebook, for the second consecutive year, and B in the water security notebook, in its debut year.

Neoenergia is a participant in the Brazil Global Compact Network and is involved in Climate and Water GTs. Committed to the 10 Principles of the Global Compact.

For the fourth consecutive year, it is part of the FTSE4Good Index Series index.

It obtained the program's Gold Seal for the second consecutive year, for the publication of the greenhouse gas inventory.

He has been participating in the organization since 2016, which brings together Brazilian companies in order to contribute to the improvement of corporate social investments in order to reduce inequalities in the country.

Alliances and partnerships
Consistent with its sustainability strategy, Neoenergia supports ambitious approaches within the framework of climate policies and the establishment of plans and objectives, through alliances, declarations and public commitments in favor of decarbonizing the economy as a central axis for green recovery and robust and sustainable economic growth.
The company participates in the Entrepreneurs for the Climate initiative of the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS), actively contributing to the bills that deal with the creation of the Brazilian Emissions Trading System (SBCE), committing ourselves to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, establishing Internal Carbon Pricing, decarbonizing operations and value chains and investing in green technologies. It is also an active member of CEBDS' Climate, Energy and Sustainable Finance and Biodiversity and Biotechnology thematic chambers. The second chamber is also related to the climate change agenda by valuing the standing forest and combating illegal deforestation.
In 2023, the company joined the Global Compact's Forward Faster Initiative, which aims to promote ambitious actions and accelerate the private sector to achieve the goals of the SDGs, especially on issues such as gender equality, living wages, climate action, water resilience and sustainable financing and investment. It is also a signatory of the Energy Compact, a United Nations initiative, and has adopted targets for climate neutrality and universal access to clean and affordable energy for the Brazilian population.
Since 2007, it has subscribed to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, committing itself to adopting human and labor rights, environmental and anti-corruption guidelines in its operations. It also takes on the task of promoting the 2030 Agenda, contributing to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their dissemination.
Neoenergia's vice-president for Regulation, Institutional, Innovation, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility, Solange Ribeiro, is vice-president of the Global Compact Council.
The company also received the Gold Seal from the GHG protocol program, for the third year running, for publishing its greenhouse gas inventory.
It has been a partner of the Ethos Institute since 2001 and is also a signatory of the Business Movement for Integrity and Transparency Commitment. It has adhered to the organization's anti-corruption manifesto and is part of the Brazilian Anti-Corruption WG. We received the Pro-Ethics Company Seal (from the Office of the Comptroller General - CGU), in the 2022-2023 edition, for the fifth time in a row.
We have been part of Comunitas since 2016, which brings together Brazilian companies to help improve corporate social investment in order to reduce inequalities in the country.
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