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We act and act to improve the management control of our business partners to guarantee even more safety, quality, and service to socio-environmental, labor and human rights aspects.

How to become a Neoenergia supplier

To register, we request that you access the Purchasing Portal: www.comprasneo.com.br, which is the contact channel provided by Websupply, and fill in the necessary fields with the required documentation. After reviewing and approving the submitted documentation, Neoenergia may invite you to establish a partnership through the Supply area, according to the company's strategy and the organization's portfolio of services and products.

If you still have any questions, please contact the Supplier Registration area using the contacts below:

Approved suppliers

Suppliers are required to contact Neoenergia at least 6 months before the expiration of their approval for renewal negotiations, according to the date indicated in the sheet of approved suppliers.

To know the suppliers of approved distribution network materials, click on the button below:


Materials: Distribution Networks


Materials: Substations

Supplier Credit Anticipation Program

With the partnership signed between Neoenergia and Anticipa Fácil, our suppliers can choose to join the Receivables Advance Program to access financing credit at a reduced cost.

Anticipa Fácil is the largest marketplace for discounting receivables in Brazil, which, with an agile and easy-to-use platform, allows companies to anticipate the receipt of their invoices (credit rights) issued to their customers.

Click below and learn more!

Sustainability Supplier Assessment Model

In the Neoenergia group, we are committed to ensuring that 85% of our main suppliers are subject to sustainable development policies and standards by 2025. To achieve this, we have a supplier assessment model based on ESG criteria, used globally to measure corporate responsibility in three areas: environmental, social and governance.

In this way, we consider 43 factors to calculate the ESG score of each of our suppliers, including compliance with human rights, management of risks arising from climate change, circular economy strategy or contribution to Development Goals Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Likewise, we send personalized improvement plans to suppliers that do not meet adequate sustainability levels.

Sustainable Purchasing Primer

Neoenergia is committed to sharing its best ESG practices with its direct and indirect suppliers, and the creation of this booklet reinforces this commitment.

Through this booklet, the company provides a brief summary about the company, each of the ESG axes and clarifies how it classifies its supply chain based on sustainability principles. 

                                      Sustainable Purchasing Primer

Codes and Reports

When considering suppliers as strategic Stakeholders, Neoenergia established specific principles of action in relation to its area of activity, in accordance with the group's principles and values, specified in this Supplier Code of Ethics [PDF] and which must be accepted by the group's suppliers and attached to the respective contracts. 

Ethics and transparency are one of the essential pillars of the Neoenergia Group. We promote these values in our relationship with our suppliers and in the relationship they have with their business partners. For this reason, we put at your disposal the Neoenergia Group Complaint Channel. This channel is extended to Neoenergia Group suppliers, companies contracted to provide services or provide resources to Neoenergia Group companies, their respective employees and business partners.

Through this channel, it is possible to:

• Report non-compliance or an act contrary to the law on the part of a Neoenergia Group professional, a supplier, one of its subcontractors, or their respective employees; contrary to the provisions of the Supplier Code of Ethics in connection with the companies of

the Neoenergia Group.

Neoenergia Group's Whistleblower Channel

We present the company's latest Purchasing Report, which includes, among other things, the processes for purchasing equipment, materials, works, and services processed through the Purchasing and Insurance Department, as well as the sustainability policies, procedures, and principles that govern the management of purchases and relations with suppliers.

Periodic Purchasing and Management Report with Suppliers 2020-2021