- Products and Solutions

Flood safety
Understand the causes of flooding, its consequences and safety tips in the event of flooding.
Floods are natural phenomena that occur when the volume of water in a place, usually caused by rain, exceeds the absorption capacity of the soil or the runoff capacity of drainage systems. In Brazil, they are very common and can cause major social, economic and environmental damage.
But how do you prevent and stay safe in the event of flooding caused by rain?

If there is a risk of flooding inside your home, turn off the main switchboard immediately to avoid short circuits and electric shocks. If the water level reaches the switchboard, call the utility company immediately and ask for the service branch to be disconnected.
Avoid contact with accumulated water
Water may be contaminated or in contact with exposed electrical cables. Always find a safe, dry place.
Don't use elevators during floods, as they can get stuck between floors or flood. Ideally, they should have the power switched off and there should be no access to the shaft, as it may contain electrified water.
Unplug electrical appliances
Unplug all electronic and electrical appliances to avoid damage and accidents. It is very important not to touch these devices with wet hands or feet.

Store important documents and food in a high place
Protect valuable items from possible water damage. In the event of flooding, make sure to thoroughly disinfect objects and food and discard anything that can no longer be used or eaten.
Avoid contact with electricity poles

A prevenção é sempre a melhor forma de evitar problemas
Preste atenção ao usar materiais inflamáveis e certifique-se de que os extintores estejam em locais de fácil acesso
Even if the power grid is switched off, don't climb poles to protect yourself, as the power could come back on without warning and cause serious accidents.
Take care outside the home
Regardless of whether it's raining or not, always keep your distance from the electricity grid. In the event of rain, avoid being in open areas such as soccer pitches, swimming pools, lakes, ponds and beaches. Do not stand near or under trees, poles, metal structures, masts and high places. The recommendation is to stay indoors, away from objects such as stoves and pipes, or in a sheltered place.
Do not carry out services such as installing or maintaining aerials in places where there is a greater risk of exposure to lightning. In the event of rain, do not install, disconnect or remove the object. If your antenna falls on or near the network, never try to hold or retrieve it.
Don't touch power lines or fallen trees
In the event of a fallen power line or tree over the power line, do not approach it and immediately notify the power utility.

Siga as instruções de segurança, em caso de curto-circuito em casa
No momento em que a tomada estiver apresentando faísca, é preciso desligar o disjuntor geral da casa, em seguida, acione um eletricista de sua confiança. Nunca remova por conta própria a tomada que está causando o curto-circuito. Em hipótese alguma tente apagar a fumaça, faísca ou fogo jogando água, visto que esse elemento é um condutor elétrico, ele pode espalhar ainda mais o fogo e causar um choque elétrico.
Acione a distribuidora de energia para caso de incêndio em poste, doméstico ou área comercial
Interromper o fornecimento de energia temporariamente pode ajudar a salvar vidas. Ligue para a distribuidora de energia que atenda a sua região. Para Neoenergia Coelba, Neoenergia Cosern, Neoenergia Pernambuco e Neoenergia Brasília: ligue 116 e Neoenergia Elektro: ligue 0800 701 0102.
Assim, a distribuidora poderá efetuar o desligamento temporário da rede elétrica até que a situação esteja estabilizada pelo Corpo de Bombeiros. O serviço será imediatamente restabelecido quando o incidente apresentar segurança para a população, enquanto isso, os profissionais da distribuidora atuam no auxílio dos bombeiros.
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