GODEL Technology Family for Smart Grids
GODEL is a family of national technologies for smart grids, developed under the Neoenergia R&D Program, regulated by ANEEL, which make up a Network Observatory consisting of equipment, systems and analytics.
It is a complete solution for monitoring distribution networks, based on the Losses and Quality pillars, allowing the planning of actions to improve these processes and the monitoring of the results resulting from the actions carried out.
The first equipment in the GODEL family, the GODEL Smart Sensor 34.5 kV, was launched on the market in 2015. Since then, several other equipment and software have been developed and released, and others are in the market launch phase.
GODEL Losses
GODEL Losses is GODEL's solution for monitoring technical and non-technical losses per feeder and feeder section, allowing the intelligent planning of loss-reduction actions.The solution has three fundamental pillars: network monitoring and measurement, using the GODEL Smart Sensor, as well as other measurement devices present in the distribution network; the calculation of the energy balance per feeder and feed section through the GODEL PCOM; analysis of the results through GODEL Analytics Losses, allowing the planning of actions to combat losses and the monitoring the results of these actions.
Using GODEL Losses, Neoenergia carried out more than 800 actions to reduce technical losses, such as the installation, normalization and removal of capacitor banks, phase transpositions, prioritization of works and interventions in the high voltage system. These actions resulted in a reduction of more than 136 GWh in technical losses in four years, which represented more than R$ 25 MM of reduction in energy purchase costs.
Actions were also taken to reduce non-technical losses using GODEL Losses, such as the selection of areas with the best viability for network shielding, inspection operations, and the use of balance sheet data for the selection of individual targets. These actions resulted in more than 32 GWh of recovered and aggregated energy in two years, which represented more than R$ 12 MM of revenue increase with revenue recovery.
GODEL Quality
GODEL Quality is GODEL's solution for monitoring product and service quality. This solution consists of several devices that monitor the network, as well as systems and applications that allow the monitoring of quality indicators, such as voltage level, DEC and FEC per feeder. This analysis allows preventive and predictive maintenance planning, as well as greater assertiveness of network reinforcement works.Another product that makes up this solution is GODEL Conecta, a system that allows the visualization of the power grid capacity for the distributed generation connection, giving greater autonomy to GD integrators in their prospecting and making the distributed generation connection process more transparent.
GODEL Family Products
The GODEL Smart Sensor 34.5 kV is a medium voltage network monitoring device up to 34.5 kV. Developed by Neoenergia in partnership with Lactec, the technology has a dual functionality: it allows the identification of power outages with a real-time report to the Operations Center, as well as allows the monitoring of technical and non-technical losses in the electrical distribution network.
It consists of a set of three Sensor units and a concentrator unit called Remota, which are installed quickly, without the need for power interruption or live line equipment.
The Remote unit receives data from each of the Sensors via radio frequency, and sends them to the Operations Center and to the engineering system through the DNP 3.0 protocols and the WEB protocol (proprietary).
The equipment has a current measurement accuracy of 2%, as well as accurately measures the power factor. This data is used in the GODEL PCOM to calculate the losses per feeder section.
With the GODEL Smart Sensor 34.5 kV, it is possible to monitor, among others:
It consists of a set of three Sensor units and a concentrator unit called Remota, which are installed quickly, without the need for power interruption or live line equipment.
The Remote unit receives data from each of the Sensors via radio frequency, and sends them to the Operations Center and to the engineering system through the DNP 3.0 protocols and the WEB protocol (proprietary).
The equipment has a current measurement accuracy of 2%, as well as accurately measures the power factor. This data is used in the GODEL PCOM to calculate the losses per feeder section.
With the GODEL Smart Sensor 34.5 kV, it is possible to monitor, among others:
- Transient absence by phase and by group
- Permanent absence by phase and by group
- Relaunch and Shutdown (per phase)
- Current surge
- Flow reversal
- Current (RMS per phase)
- Module and angle phase A, B, and C
Contact the licensed partner and request a proposal for the purchase of the GODEL Smart Sensor 34.5 kV: https://www.tecsysbrasil.com.br/

GODEL PCOM is a software for calculating technical and non-technical losses, using the measurements of the 34.5 kV GODEL Smart Sensor and other measuring devices present in the electrical network.
Developed by Neoenergia, the system allows the processing of 100% of the distribution network, using power flow measurements and algorithms. It calculates the actual technical losses for each component of the network, as well as the non-technical losses per feeder and feeder stretches/derivations.
The GODEL PCOM module is embedded in the Sinapgrid network planning software. Through this module, it is possible to perform the on-screen calculation for a specific network, or perform the batch calculation for several networks.
Contact the licensed partner and request a proposal for implementing GODEL PCOM in your company: https://sinapsisenergia.com.br/
Developed by Neoenergia, the system allows the processing of 100% of the distribution network, using power flow measurements and algorithms. It calculates the actual technical losses for each component of the network, as well as the non-technical losses per feeder and feeder stretches/derivations.
The GODEL PCOM module is embedded in the Sinapgrid network planning software. Through this module, it is possible to perform the on-screen calculation for a specific network, or perform the batch calculation for several networks.
Contact the licensed partner and request a proposal for implementing GODEL PCOM in your company: https://sinapsisenergia.com.br/

GODEL Analytics is a system that allows the visualization of results and the direction of actions to reduce losses and increase the quality of service and supply.
With GODEL Analytics Losses, it is possible to map technical and non-technical losses by feeder or by company region, as well as view a heat map with the most critical locations. The solution also allows the mapping of opportunities to reduce technical losses, such as the installation of capacitor banks, reconduction works, among other alternatives, with the visualization of the economic and financial viability of each proposed action.
Through the tool, actions to combat losses are planned and the results of the actions are monitored.
With GODEL Analytics Quality, it is possible to verify quality indicators such as tension level, DEC and FEC per feeder and feeder section, allowing the assertive direction of reinforcement works, as well as preventive and predictive maintenance actions.
Access Neoenergia's GODEL Conecta here!
Contact the licensed partner and request a proposal for the implementation of GODEL Conecta in your company: https://sinapsisenergia.com.br/
With GODEL Analytics Losses, it is possible to map technical and non-technical losses by feeder or by company region, as well as view a heat map with the most critical locations. The solution also allows the mapping of opportunities to reduce technical losses, such as the installation of capacitor banks, reconduction works, among other alternatives, with the visualization of the economic and financial viability of each proposed action.
Through the tool, actions to combat losses are planned and the results of the actions are monitored.
With GODEL Analytics Quality, it is possible to verify quality indicators such as tension level, DEC and FEC per feeder and feeder section, allowing the assertive direction of reinforcement works, as well as preventive and predictive maintenance actions.
Access Neoenergia's GODEL Conecta here!
Contact the licensed partner and request a proposal for the implementation of GODEL Conecta in your company: https://sinapsisenergia.com.br/

O GODEL Conecta é um sistema pioneiro no Brasil para avaliação da capacidade da rede elétrica em acomodar novas conexões de geradores distribuídos. O usuário pode efetuar a consulta de acesso indicando o montante de geração desejada e o local, através do endereço, CEP ou coordenadas geográficas. O sistema responde de forma imediata retornando o ponto mais apropriado para a conexão solicitada, indicando ainda se há ou não a necessidade de obras de reforço. Devido ao crescimento exponencial da geração distribuída, o GODEL Conecta é uma alternativa para otimizar a análise da distribuidora, reduzindo o tempo de resposta aos clientes que desejam instalar sua geração distribuída. Além disso, também está disponível para todos os clientes da Neoenergia nos sites das distribuidoras, permitindo maior autonomia dos integradores de GD em suas prospecções, dando maior rapidez e transparência ao processo de conexão de novos geradores.

The GODEL Smart Sensor 69kV is the version of the Smart Sensor for monitoring lines up to 69kV.
Focused on detecting power outages, the equipment is capable of grouping up to 6 sensors per concentrator unit. It also features remote firmware configuration and update, permanent fault light, communication, and local access via Bluetooth.
With the GODEL Smart Sensor 69kV, it is possible to monitor, among others:
Contact the licensed partner and request a proposal for the purchase of the GODEL Smart Sensor 69kV: https://www.tecsysbrasil.com.br/
Focused on detecting power outages, the equipment is capable of grouping up to 6 sensors per concentrator unit. It also features remote firmware configuration and update, permanent fault light, communication, and local access via Bluetooth.
With the GODEL Smart Sensor 69kV, it is possible to monitor, among others:
- Transient absence by phase and by group
- Permanent absence by phase and by group
- Relaunch and Shutdown (per phase)
- Current surge
- Flow reversal
- Current (RMS per phase)
- Module and angle phase A, B, and C
Contact the licensed partner and request a proposal for the purchase of the GODEL Smart Sensor 69kV: https://www.tecsysbrasil.com.br/

The GODEL PQA-900 is a Class A Qualmeter, which, in addition to meeting all the requirements of Distribution Procedures and international standards, differs from competitors by having the capacity to record continuous waveforms, without loss of information. Thus, technical analyses become more assertive, making it possible to provide customers with more complete answers about the quality of energy supply.
Contact the licensed partner and request a proposal for the purchase of the GODEL PQA-900: https://www.ims.ind.br/
Contact the licensed partner and request a proposal for the purchase of the GODEL PQA-900: https://www.ims.ind.br/

The GODEL Multilink Concentrator is a technology that promotes the secure transfer of information between electrical system equipment and distribution systems, in addition to ensuring interoperability between equipment from different manufacturers on the same communication network.
Using the WI-SUN communication protocol, a pioneering communication technology, the Godel Multilink Concentrator connects to equipment such as Smart Meters and Smart Sensors (GODEL Smart Sensor 34.5 kV, for example), all of these in the same communication network, collects your data and transfers it to the company's systems via a WAN (Wide Area Network), deployed by multiples media, such as: 3G/4G cellular network, satellite and fiber optic communication, which guarantees greater reliability to the communication system.
Developed by Neoenergia, in partnership with Lactec and Tecsys, the equipment has 6 communication slots to maintain scalability, 2 slots for WAN communication, and can have up to 4 slots for Wi-SUN edge routers for FAN (Field Area Network) communication. Each edge router has the capacity for up to 1000 devices, totaling 4000 devices per hub. Multilink still has a coverage area of 5 km with the devices forming a mesh network.
The solution also consists of the GODEL Multilink Repeater, a signal repeater that increases the signal range of the devices when they are spaced apart. The repeaters can also reduce communication latency in cases where the equipment forms a denser communication network, such as smart meters.
Contact our licensed partner and request a proposal for the purchase of GODEL Multilink: https://www.tecsysbrasil.com.br/
Using the WI-SUN communication protocol, a pioneering communication technology, the Godel Multilink Concentrator connects to equipment such as Smart Meters and Smart Sensors (GODEL Smart Sensor 34.5 kV, for example), all of these in the same communication network, collects your data and transfers it to the company's systems via a WAN (Wide Area Network), deployed by multiples media, such as: 3G/4G cellular network, satellite and fiber optic communication, which guarantees greater reliability to the communication system.
Developed by Neoenergia, in partnership with Lactec and Tecsys, the equipment has 6 communication slots to maintain scalability, 2 slots for WAN communication, and can have up to 4 slots for Wi-SUN edge routers for FAN (Field Area Network) communication. Each edge router has the capacity for up to 1000 devices, totaling 4000 devices per hub. Multilink still has a coverage area of 5 km with the devices forming a mesh network.
The solution also consists of the GODEL Multilink Repeater, a signal repeater that increases the signal range of the devices when they are spaced apart. The repeaters can also reduce communication latency in cases where the equipment forms a denser communication network, such as smart meters.
Contact our licensed partner and request a proposal for the purchase of GODEL Multilink: https://www.tecsysbrasil.com.br/

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