Electric Mobility
The PDI portfolio includes innovative projects that are part of the Neoenergia Electric Mobility Program, which is committed to encouraging sustainable mobility, in line with the goal of contributing to the decarbonization of the economy. Among the electric mobility actions of the PDI Program, the following projects stand out: Green Corridor, Green Trail, and Electric Truck.

Green Corridor
Of the 17 charging stations, six were installed in malls for public use in the cities of Salvador - BA, Recife - PE and Natal - RN, two in each project. The other stations are located along the highways that connect the states of Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraíba, and Rio Grande do Norte.

As part of this important project, electric vehicle charging was carried out, in a pioneering way in Brazil, which allowed the study of the price elasticity of demand and, consequently, the proposal of a business model for offering highway charging services to the public.

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Green Trail

Through this project, in 2022, the Vacaria Solar Power Plant was implemented, with a power of 50kWp, and in September 2023, work began to install the second solar plant, Noronha Laboratory, with a power of 50kWp, totaling 100kWp with a battery storage system. Twelve electric stations were purchased and will be installed at strategic points on the island of Fernando de Noronha, available for all electric cars in the archipelago. In addition, the project initiative includes 13 new electric vehicles, which will be used in tourism activities, public services, and operations of the local government and Neoenergia Pernambuco.
The Green Trail promotes the development of sustainable energy solutions, the supply of quality energy, and the preservation of the local nature of the island of Fernando de Noronha. In addition, the investment in infrastructure for electric vehicles and the implementation of solar power plants, with an energy storage system in one of them, make possible a more sustainable energy matrix for the island. The initiative is in accordance with state law 16.810/2020, which prohibits the entry of combustion vehicles into Noronha starting in August 2023 and, starting in August 2030, the circulation and permanence of vehicles powered by gasoline, diesel and ethanol. In the project, a pedagogical workshop “Descarboniza Noronha” was also developed with high school students from the island, in order to enable a social interaction between the practice and theory of decarbonization in Fernando de Noronha.
The project includes applications based on experimental business models, operated by local entrepreneurs, aimed at promoting electric mobility on the island of Fernando de Noronha. The island's partners were chosen by the project team after previous studies carried out in Noronha. Each of them uses the cars daily in their respective activities for a period. The idea is to diversify the use of cars so that, at the end of the research, the sustainability of business models can be evaluated from environmental, technical and economic aspects in Fernando de Noronha.
In addition, the project has energy resource orchestration software that covers solar power plants and the energy storage system and the charging infrastructure, transmitting data on the generation, charging, and use of electric vehicles, to the electric mobility and energy resources platform.
Based on the Green Trail project, an electric mobility ecosystem was created in Fernando de Noronha, involving partners, companies, and local entities with the potential for reproduction to other places with environmental preservation needs, tourist activities, and isolated systems with similar characteristics.
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Primeiro buggy elétrico do Brasil

A Ilha de Fernando de Noronha é pioneira e recebe o primeiro buggy 100% elétrico fabricado no Brasil. O protótipo, que faz parte do Projeto Trilha Verde, amplia a mobilidade elétrica no arquipélago com a inserção de 14 veículos elétricos destinados ao turismo da região para serviço de locação.
Além de totalmente elétrico e nacional, o buggy foi desenvolvido pela eION, startup com sede em Curitiba. Como proponente do projeto, a Neoenergia acompanha seu desenvolvimento desde a concepção e protótipo até sua comercialização, participando de teste-drives e sugerindo melhorias.
Todos os veículos do Trilha Verde são abastecidos com energia limpa, gerada por meio de duas usinas solares instaladas pela Neoenergia na Ilha. As duas usinas juntas possuem uma potência de 100 kWp e sua capacidade de fornecimento é, aproximadamente, três vezes maior que a necessidade para carregamento dos veículos do projeto, cujo excedente será injetado na rede de distribuição, ampliando o uso de fontes renováveis pelos consumidores de Noronha. Para permitir o uso de energia limpa mesmo nos momentos em que não houver geração solar suficiente, foi implantado também um sistema de armazenamento de energia com potência de 100 kW/215 kWh.
Electric Truck
In the PDI Electric Truck project, the first electric vehicle for network services was developed with an embedded system that allows charging directly into the electrical network, giving more efficiency and autonomy by not requiring a return to the operating bases for possible recharging. The project was developed in partnership with the Institute of Technology for Development — LACTEC, BYD BRASIL LTDA and GRUPO PLE.
The electric trucks developed contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to the environment. According to research conducted, CO2 emissions from electric vehicles are 4.6 times lower compared to diesel vehicles. Another highlight was the reduction of sound noise in the environment, due to the use of an electric motor for the truck instead of a diesel engine, providing higher quality to employees and customers.
In the Electric Truck project, a web platform was developed for managing chargers, which presents managers with the status of the chargers, in addition to general information, such as energy consumed, status, recharge time, battery level and recharge date. The developed platform has a methodology for optimizing vehicle routing, which indicates the charging points in the Neoenergia distribution network, according to the schedule of maintenance locations and the battery level of the electric vehicle.
The project contributed to technological progress within industry and research centers, adding value to the chain and encouraging the nationalization of electric mobility technologies for heavy electric vehicles in the country.
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