Opportunity Abroad for Employees
Neoenergia employees have access to international job opportunities in Iberdrola Group companies, such as Europe and the United States.
An experience abroad can be transformative for the career and for the life of any professional. The initiatives available to Neoenergia employees, who have opportunities at Iberdrola Group companies, can be long-term programs, presentations at events, or even independent projects that require Brazilians involved. Profiles and positions also vary: everyone can apply for vacancies as long as they perform well and stand out in the internal selection processes.
A successful experience
Having the desire for an international experience is the first step. Guilherme Barbosa, who worked in External Communication at Neoenergia, always demonstrated this desire and kept an eye on opportunities. In 2019, upon learning of a demand from Iberdrola for a project in Spain, focused on Digital Communication and in which a native Portuguese speaker was needed, he immediately signed up. After the approval of the selection process, he spent a month in Madrid, where he developed new skills in the area, met people and better understood how the parent company worked.
“I clearly understood how Iberdrola structures its processes, how they work, and upon returning, I brought that learning to everyday life in Brazil as well”, says Guilherme.

The experience was so positive that Guilherme signed up again for a program focused on young executives that brings employees from all of the Group's companies to work in Madrid. After a long selection, it was approved. “From the beginning of my career, I had this plan to eventually seek an opportunity outside the country. My desire is the experience of being in contact with other cultures, other forms of work, and also of developing myself as a professional. After my first trip, I was very excited and then I saw this other chance", he concludes.
Exchange between different cultures
Pedro Castro, from the Customer Experience area, also won two opportunities abroad. In the first, after being recommended by his manager, he participated in a forum between the Group's countries, with presentations and discussions about how Neoenergia and each company in the Group innovate in their operations. In 2019, after a long selection, it was part of a project between four countries: Brazil, the United States, Scotland and Spain, to seek innovative solutions in its area. Over the course of four months, he spent one week of each month between Scotland and Spain to work on the topic. Later, he completed the project remotely, with constant exchange between different nationalities.
“I was always very open to international experiences and it added a lot to know the peculiarities of each country, the distribution sector in each place, to understand the challenges that are quite different between locations. Having that broad vision of the business was very important for my career”, he explains.
For Neoenergia, exchange is a way to develop its employees, as well as to bring solutions from other countries to the company. Being aware of how each country acts in certain actions allows the company to have a global vision.

Internal recognition
The opportunity to expand knowledge, interact with various areas of the Iberdrola Group, experience an international experience, exchange experiences and expand the network of contacts are other relevant points, as highlighted by Marcelo Lopes. With extensive knowledge in Thermoelectricity, he was selected to start a project from scratch in Portugal for the construction of three hydroelectric dams, near the city of Porto. After four and a half years, the opportunity to return to Brazil and operate in this segment emerged in a unique way.

“I believe that the fact that I accepted this challenge in a water generation project was fundamental to being chosen for this opportunity in the area. The period added a lot for me and opened doors, bringing new possibilities to my career,” says Marcelo.
The executive, who has been with the company for over 20 years, recognizes the support offered during the period of change and adaptation. “I went with my family, including my two daughters, who were very young at the time, and all the support I received was essential so that I could take this step and start a new life in another country. In addition to professional development, everyone experienced very significant personal and cultural growth during this period. The fusion of cultures, visiting neighboring countries and allowing my daughters to study at an international school brought us incomparable benefits”, he recalls.
“Nowadays they adapt easily to various places, they are fluent in English and we have friends for life in Portugal. I recommend this experience to everyone who has the chance”, he adds.
Neoenergia encourages exchanges between companies and provides, through an internal channel, various opportunities. All programs and projects guarantee the necessary assistance for the transition between countries, as well as support to know the place, school recommendations (in the case of children), housing, etc. The duration of the period varies according to each program or project, and participation in a selection process does not prevent the enrollment of others.
Internal recognition
The opportunity to expand knowledge, interact with various areas of the Iberdrola Group, experience an international experience, exchange experiences and expand the network of contacts are other relevant points, as highlighted by Marcelo Lopes. With extensive knowledge in Thermoelectricity, he was selected to start a project from scratch in Portugal for the construction of three hydroelectric dams, near the city of Porto. After four and a half years, the opportunity to return to Brazil and operate in this segment emerged in a unique way.

Quando entrou na Neoenergia, começou a ter contato com profissionais de outros países, incluindo Espanha, e optou por desenvolver também o espanhol, seguindo o mesmo processo de dedicação: cursos, estudos, intercâmbio e reuniões com nativos.
“Ser aprovado foi definitivamente um divisor de águas na minha vida tanto pessoal como profissional. Os desafios da adaptação no começo, somados à distância da família e amigos a médio prazo, são duros, mas com muita resiliência é possível encontrar esse lugar de satisfação e orgulho por ter conseguido algo que se desejava”, conta.