Ethics and Integrity
Neoenergia believes that a sustainable society is built when there is trust, integrity, and respect for the laws.

Drivers of our business model
Ethics are part of Neoenergia's decisions, guiding the conduct of business and relations with customers, shareholders, executives, employees, suppliers, service providers, the market, and public entities.
To achieve this purpose, an Integrity Program was implemented in compliance with Brazilian anti-corruption legislation, coordinated by the company's Compliance Superintendence, which is corporate and applicable to all companies of the Neoenergia group, including Neoenergia Coelba, Neoenergia Pernambuco, Neoenergia Cosern, Neoenergia Elektro and Neoenergia Brasilia. The area, in addition to being responsible for planning, designing, executing, maintaining, and evaluating the program, drafts and revises codes of conduct, integrity policies, and their related procedures, and works to identify, assess, and mitigate risks of non-compliance. Thus, it seeks to guarantee the adherence of Neoenergia companies to the principles of legality and the fight against corruption.
Learn about the company's main actions to promote ethics and integrity:
To achieve this purpose, an Integrity Program was implemented in compliance with Brazilian anti-corruption legislation, coordinated by the company's Compliance Superintendence, which is corporate and applicable to all companies of the Neoenergia group, including Neoenergia Coelba, Neoenergia Pernambuco, Neoenergia Cosern, Neoenergia Elektro and Neoenergia Brasilia. The area, in addition to being responsible for planning, designing, executing, maintaining, and evaluating the program, drafts and revises codes of conduct, integrity policies, and their related procedures, and works to identify, assess, and mitigate risks of non-compliance. Thus, it seeks to guarantee the adherence of Neoenergia companies to the principles of legality and the fight against corruption.
Learn about the company's main actions to promote ethics and integrity:
Integrity is a highly important value for Neoenergia. The company is committed to establishing a business strategy and carrying out its activities guided by decisions in accordance with laws, the code of ethics, and internal regulations.
The concern for ethical and legal compliance applies to Neoenergia's business chain, and the company's position to repudiate all forms of corruption, bribery, bribery, money laundering, and other conduct contrary to the law and the principles of good corporate governance is clear.
Neoenergia's management is committed to fostering a culture of ethics and integrity, recognizing this as an obligation to society.
The concern for ethical and legal compliance applies to Neoenergia's business chain, and the company's position to repudiate all forms of corruption, bribery, bribery, money laundering, and other conduct contrary to the law and the principles of good corporate governance is clear.
Neoenergia's management is committed to fostering a culture of ethics and integrity, recognizing this as an obligation to society.
Neoenergia's Code of Ethics [PDF] makes clear the importance of honest and ethical behavior in the performance of the company's activities. The Code is a document that guides the personal and professional conduct of shareholders, executives, and employees, and regulates relations with society. In it you can find, among other topics:
- What is expected of executives and employees regarding ethics and integrity;
- Neoenergia's relationship with the various segments of society;
- Environmental sustainability;
- Neoenergia and the fight against corruption;
- Safety, health, and quality of life at work;
- Conflicts of interest;
- Gifts and giveaways;
- Ethical channels.
By considering suppliers as strategic Stakeholders, Neoenergia established specific principles of action in relation to its area of activity, in accordance with the company's principles and values, specified in this Supplier Code of Ethics [PDF] and which must be accepted by the company's suppliers and attached to the respective contracts. By clicking on the brochure [PDF], a simple summary of the essence of the Supplier Code of Ethics is available.
Ethics and transparency are one of the essential pillars of Neoenergia, which promotes these values in the relationship with suppliers and in the relationship they maintain with their business partners. For this reason, the Neoenergia Whistleblower Channel is available. This channel is extended to Neoenergia suppliers, companies contracted to provide services or provide resources to the company, their respective employees, and business partners.
Through this channel, it is possible to:
Ethics and transparency are one of the essential pillars of Neoenergia, which promotes these values in the relationship with suppliers and in the relationship they maintain with their business partners. For this reason, the Neoenergia Whistleblower Channel is available. This channel is extended to Neoenergia suppliers, companies contracted to provide services or provide resources to the company, their respective employees, and business partners.
Through this channel, it is possible to:
- Report breaches or acts contrary to the law on the part of a Neoenergia professional, on the part of a supplier, one of its subcontractors, or their respective employees; contrary to the items set out in the Supplier Code of Ethics within the scope of their business relationship with Neoenergia.
This is an exclusive Neoenergia channel for secure and, if desired, anonymous communication of complaints related to illegal and unethical conduct, such as discrimination, fraud, bribery, conflict of interest, moral and sexual harassment, improper disclosure of internal information, or the commission of any harmful act provided for in the Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Laws, especially Law No. 12,846 of 2013.
This Channel is available to employees, suppliers, third parties, customers, and the general public.
Therefore, if you are aware of any actions by employees, suppliers, and service providers that violate the Code of Ethics, Neoenergia's integrity policies, or even current legislation, make an anonymous and confidential report, through the following channels:
Website: https://www.iberdrola.com/contact/whistle-blower-channel-mailbox-ethics
Telephone: 0800 591 0857
Complaints regarding dissatisfaction with the service of energy distribution companies (Neoenergia Coelba, Neoenergia Pernambuco, Neoenergia Cosern, Neoenergia Elektro, or Neoenergia Brasília) must be referred to the Ombudsman of each company.
This Channel is available to employees, suppliers, third parties, customers, and the general public.
Therefore, if you are aware of any actions by employees, suppliers, and service providers that violate the Code of Ethics, Neoenergia's integrity policies, or even current legislation, make an anonymous and confidential report, through the following channels:
Website: https://www.iberdrola.com/contact/whistle-blower-channel-mailbox-ethics
Telephone: 0800 591 0857
Complaints regarding dissatisfaction with the service of energy distribution companies (Neoenergia Coelba, Neoenergia Pernambuco, Neoenergia Cosern, Neoenergia Elektro, or Neoenergia Brasília) must be referred to the Ombudsman of each company.
Neoenergia is strongly committed to combating any corrupt and dishonest practices, repudiating any and all forms of corruption, fraud, bribery, favoritism, influence peddling, extortion, and bribery in our internal relations, with suppliers, partners, or public agents.
Check out the company's regulations below
- Anti-Corruption and Fraud Policy [PDF]
- Handbook for Receiving Gifts, Gifts, and Hospitality [PDF]
- Government Relations Manual [PDF]
- Conflict of Interest Manual [PDF]
- Sponsorship, Donations, and Private Social Investment Handbook [PDF]
Check out the Donations and Sponsorships Report below
In compliance with the Integrity Program, referring to Decree 11.129/2022 — Ordinance CGU No. 909/2015, Neoenergia provides profile and compliance reports.
The Profile Report [PDF] contains the following topics:
The Profile Report [PDF] contains the following topics:
- Sectors of the market in which it operates;
- Organizational structure;
- Number of employees;
- The Compliance Report [PDF] contains the following topics:
- Integrity program structure;
- Operation of the integrity program;
- Performance of the integrity program in the prevention, detection, and remediation of the harmful act subject to the investigation.
Neoenergia is one of the companies that signed the Charter of Commitment of the Business Movement for Integrity and Transparency of the Ethos Institute, an initiative that seeks to engage business leaders, governments, and civil society in the adoption of practices in favor of integrity, transparency, and the fight against corruption in the business environment and in public-private relations.
Being part of this Movement, together with the Ethos Institute, represents another opportunity for the company to publicly assume and defend the principles of integrity and the position to combat corruption and unlawful conduct.
To learn about the guidelines established in the Movement's Commitment Letter, click here.
Neoenergia actively participated in the drafting of the document and was one of the underwriting companies.
Check here the list of contracts that the Neoenergia Group has with the Public Administration.
- Neoenergia Coelba
- Neoenergia Pernambuco
- Neoenergia Elektro
- Neoenergia Cosern
- Neoenergia Brasília
Source: CGU Transparency Portal.
Contract details - Transparency Portal (portaldatransparencia.gov.br)
Last updated: June 2, 2023.
Being part of this Movement, together with the Ethos Institute, represents another opportunity for the company to publicly assume and defend the principles of integrity and the position to combat corruption and unlawful conduct.
To learn about the guidelines established in the Movement's Commitment Letter, click here.
Neoenergia actively participated in the drafting of the document and was one of the underwriting companies.
Check here the list of contracts that the Neoenergia Group has with the Public Administration.
- Neoenergia Coelba
- Neoenergia Pernambuco
- Neoenergia Elektro
- Neoenergia Cosern
- Neoenergia Brasília
Source: CGU Transparency Portal.
Contract details - Transparency Portal (portaldatransparencia.gov.br)
Last updated: June 2, 2023.
In 2021, at the forefront of the Brazilian electricity sector and on a voluntary basis, Neoenergia prepared the first tax transparency report, which includes relevant information for all stakeholders, following the highest standards of good corporate governance.
Responsible action, commitment to society, and transparency inspire the company's daily work, including in tax aspects, guided by a Corporate Tax Policy approved by the Board of Directors.
Check out Neoenergia's Tax Transparency Reports:
- 2023 [PDF]
- 2022 [PDF]
- 2021 [PDF]
Responsible action, commitment to society, and transparency inspire the company's daily work, including in tax aspects, guided by a Corporate Tax Policy approved by the Board of Directors.
Check out Neoenergia's Tax Transparency Reports:
- 2023 [PDF]
- 2022 [PDF]
- 2021 [PDF]