- Products and Solutions

Use of water
Neoenergia is committed to the increasingly responsible use of this resource.
Water is a basic and irreplaceable natural resource for carrying out many of the activities carried out by Neoenergia. Aware of this dependence and the risks derived from water scarcity, the company is committed to the increasingly responsible use of this resource. Its main actions involve
:Collection, disposal and consumption
To avoid waste and reduce water consumption, the company performs actions such as:
The company has an ESG Goal established for the preservation of this resource: the installed capacity of reused water, with targets set for 2025 (7.5 million liters (ML) /year) and 2030 (10 mL/year), considering the administrative units of the distributors.
Water cycle in thermoelectric power generation

The collection of seawater is carried out for the process of cooling (condensation) of the steam coming from the boilers after its passage through the steam turbine and also for the cooling of the effluent that captures heat from the plant's equipment.
The total water consumption at all Neoenergia companies, considered as the difference between the total water collected from the different sources (fresh and salt), either for energy generation or for human consumption, and the water returned to the medium, is shown in the following table, which divides our total water extraction by sources.

In 2023, 99.95% of the water collected in the thermoelectric generation facilities returned to the environment after being used to cool (condense) the steam from the boilers, after its passage through the turbine and the effluent that collects heat from the plant's auxiliary equipment.
Water cycle in hydroelectric generation

CDP Water Security
Neoenergia has voluntarily responded to the CDP Water Security notebook since 2022, giving transparency to its water governance and management. Through the questionnaires submitted to the CDP, the company shares its robust corporate governance structure, risks and opportunities, materials, and even the investment base, all guided by its Environmental and Climate Action Policies
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