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Eficiência Energética

Confira as ações de Eficiência Energética da Neoenergia. Para entrar em contato, utilize o e-mail: eficiencia@neoenergia.com

Energy Efficiency is the obtaining of a service with the lowest expenditure of electricity.
The specific legislation stipulates, in particular Law No. 9,991, of July 24, 2000, that utility electricity distribution companies must apply a minimum percentage of net operating revenue (ROL) to Energy Efficiency Programs (PEE), according to regulations of the National Electric Energy Agency - ANEEL.

Neoenergia's distributors annually invest 0.28% of their net operating revenues (ROL) in actions that promote the development and consolidation of new technologies that save electricity and changes in habits for conscious consumption.

The Neoenergia Group's distributors annually invest 0.28% of their net operating income (ROL) in actions that promote the development and consolidation of new technologies that save electricity and changes in habits for conscious consumption.

The conscious, efficient and safe consumption of electricity is promoted among all consumer classes, but low-income consumers benefit the most. Through projects to replace incandescent and fluorescent lamps with LEDs, implementation of photovoltaic solar power plants, recycling programs, and education actions that sensitize with information about the benefits of changing habits in the use of energy and complement the program, with the training of teachers and students to combat electricity waste and energy efficiency.



In Brazil, electric power distribution concession or licensing companies must invest 0.28% of their annual net operating revenue (ROL) in energy efficiency programs. Law 9,991, dated July 24, 2000. The same law stipulates that the regulation of the application of these investments is the responsibility of the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL). Other laws have since been passed, changing some articles and supplementing the original law.

Neoenergia's electricity distributors must invest 50% of PEE resources in the two largest consumption classes in their concession area, in accordance with current legislation.

Click here to learn more on the Aneel website

How to Participate

Neoenergia promotes the participation of society in its Energy Efficiency Program through Public Hearings, in which it presents and discusses its results and projects in the area, and Public Project Calls (CPP's), in which it seeks partners, such as large customers and energy conservation companies (ESCOs), to carry out new actions and projects.

The promotion of Public Hearings and CPP's are obligations set out in the Neoenergia concession agreement and in the regulations of the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL).

Public Hearings

The main objective of the Public Hearing is to provide transparency and publicity to the projects carried out and to collect subsidies for the preparation of new projects. At the Public Hearing, the projects in execution are informed with the expected results and the projects closed in the previous year with their results recorded. In addition, an e-mail is recommended for sending requests, opinions and suggestions.

Public Project Calls (CPP's)

The main objective of the CPP is to make the decision-making process for choosing projects and consumers benefiting from the PEE more transparent and democratic. Through this instrument, all interested parties will be able to submit project proposals aimed at encouraging the development of measures that promote energy efficiency and the fight against the waste of electricity.

Dicas para economizar energia

Lâmpadas LED: como escolher o melhor modelo

Selo Procel: o que é, para que serve e quais as vantagens

Economia de energia para empresas


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