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Driven by the challenge

Learn the story of Alzair, 38 years old, short, former bag seller, warrior, and electrician from Neoenergia Cosern.

From the height of his 1.47 m, Alzair Vitor never doubted himself. Always very much asked by those around him that he would hardly be able to realize his dreams. The height would be the reason for the obstacle. Not for him. Alzair had a hard life. His father left home when he was two years old. At seven, he was already working selling 'din-din' * on BR 101 near the city of Canguaretama where he lived. He didn't have a childhood like most children. “I have almost no memories of playing. When it happened, we built our toys ourselves”. Alzair's mother gave him 52 dins-dins' every day. Two were his lunch and the other 50 he had to sell. So life went on for four years.

The mother remarried and the family went to live in João Câmara, 74 kilometers from Natal. It was there that the dream of being an electrician was born for him. “I saw the people doing the services in front of my house, full of energy, and they said that one day I would be one of them”. In 2006, he joined an outsourced company owned by Neoenergia Cosern and in 2013 he took the preparatory course to join the company. Because of my height, people always played with me a lot and I even thought that I didn't have the capacity. To carry out one of the course activities, a coordinator placed me as a duo of a 1.90m boy.

We needed to pull a handle from a pole to conduct a service. My colleague, although very large, was unable to do so. That's when I heard 'Come on, Alzair, show me who you are'. I tried very hard and was able to complete the activity. That's when I had a crackle: I have the capacity to be with Neoenergia Cosern,” she says.

In 2013, he was hired by Neoenergia Cosern and when he received the news he called his mother and friends crying. “I heard from a lot of people that I wasn't capable. The challenge moves me. I am proud to say that everything I have today was won with a lot of sweat”, adds the electrician.

*Photo credit: Maurício Cuca