Neoenergia operates in the electric power transmission sector with long-distance high-voltage transportation to the National Interconnected System - SIN. Between assets in operation and under construction, we maintain 15 transmitters. There are more than 6 thousand km of lines, spread across 13 Brazilian states.
Ventures in operation
Assets in operation
Neoenergia | Dourados
The Neoenergia | Nova Porto Primavera — Rio Brilhante Transmission Line, from the Dourados project, is the first delivery of lot 4 of the auction held by ANEEL in April 2017, which will strengthen the electrical system in Mato Grosso do Sul. In this first phase, two substations were expanded and 327 towers were built over 147 kilometers long. The last one to be hoisted, about 80 meters high, is located inside the Paraná River, making the implementation more complex because it requires the assembly to take place gradually, using vessels and cranes.

Mato Grosso do Sul
2017 auction
Start of operation August/21
R$ 89 million (RAP)
Neoenergia | Affluent Electric Power Transmission
Also known as Afluente T, it operates substations in the state of Bahia, connected to a total of 489 km of transmission lines. With an installed capacity of 600 MVA, the company was established in 2009, under the control of the Neoenergia Group (87.8%).

2009 auction
Start of operation 1990
R$ 68 million (RAP)
Neoenergia | SE Narandiba S.A.
Closed company, established on August 18, 2008, 100% controlled by Neoenergia, with headquarters in Rio de Janeiro. The company is a specific purpose company (SPE) and has a 100% interest in the Narandiba, Brumado II and Extremoz II Substations. The project was built to strengthen the energy supply of the Metropolitan Region of Salvador and has 700 MVA of installed power, through three 230/69 kV transformers. Made with cutting-edge equipment - such as Gas Insulated Switchgears (GIS) and Plug And Switch System (Pass) -, it offers greater reliability and safety in the services provided. Since its inception, it had a low socio-environmental impact and was built on the basis of waste management and effluent treatment programs.

2008 auction
Start of operation June/08
R$ 16 million (RAP)
Neoenergia | Potiguar Sul Power Transmission S.A.
A privately held company, wholly controlled by the Neoenergia Group. Established on August 13, 2013, the company is responsible for the implementation, operation, and maintenance of Neoenergia's first 500 kV power transmission line. The term for granting the service is 30 years.

Rio Grande do Norte/Paraíba
2013 auction
Start of operation November/16
R$ 32 million (RAP)
Neoenergia | Atibaia Energy Transmission S.A.
It is part of lot 20, won by Neoenergia in the 05/2016 transmission auction held by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL). The lot includes the expansion of the Ferhão Dias 500/230 kV substation through the installation of a 500 kV Static Compensator (-150/+300 Mvar), which reinforces the National Electrical System in the southeastern region of the country.

São Paulo
2017 auction
Start of operation December/19
R$ 18 million (RAP)
Neoenergia | Biguaçu Transmission
Neoenergia project, which is part of lot 22, purchased at ANEEL's transmission auction no. 05/2016, held by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) in April 2017. Located in the state of Santa Catarina, in the southern region of the country, the project consists of the expansion of the SE and construction of a Static Reactive Compensator (-100/+300 MVAR), a cutting-edge technology to, among other functions, regulate the voltage in the network to reduce the variations caused by shutdowns or instabilities, reinforcing the region's electrical system, guaranteeing more safety and reliability to it.

Santa Catarina
2017 auction
Start of operation July/20
R$ 18 million (RAP)
Neoenergia | Sobral Energy Transmission S.A.
Project that is part of lot 27, won by Neoenergia in the transmission auction 05/2016, held by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL). The lot includes the expansion of the 500/230kV (Sobral III) substation with a 500 kV Static Reactive Compensator (-150/+250 Mvar), located in Ceará, which reinforces the National Electrical System, between the North and Northeast regions. The project was delivered 13 months earlier than the date originally scheduled, which was February 2021.

2017 auction
Start of operation January/20
R$ 16 million (RAP)
Neoenergia | Santa Luzia
Formed by the Canoas, Lagoa I and Lagoa II parks. Located in the municipalities of São José do Sabugí, Santa Luzia and Junco do Seridó, in Paraíba, each one has 15 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 31.5 MW. The three parks started operating in the months of September and October 2017, the Group's first in the state of Paraíba and the first in the Sertano Paraíba region. The project was expanded with the construction of another 15 Neoenergia | Chafariz wind farms in the same region, making it the Company's largest wind complex in Latin America.

Paraíba/ Ceara
2017 auction
Start of operation December/21
R$ 76 million (RAP)
Neoenergia | Jalapão
The project is responsible for the Miracema — Gilbués II — Barreiras II and SE Associadas 500 kV Transmission Line project. Its construction aims to expand the electric power transmission grid in Brazil, facilitating the flow of energy from the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant. It will be 728.5 km kilometers long, crossing 19 municipalities. To this end, the Environmental Programs required by IBAMA for the installation phase of the project are in progress, presented below. Click on each of them for more information!

Tocantins, Bahia, Piauí and Maranhão
2017 auction
Start of operation January/22
R$ 167 million (RAP)
Neoenergia | Itabapoana
Acquired by Neoenergia in lot 3 of the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) auction in December 2018, the Itabapoana project aims to reinforce the flow of thermoelectric potential in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo. It has 221 kilometers of line, in double circuit, between the Mutum (MG) and Campos 2 (RJ) substations, with voltage at 500 kV. The project has operational synergy with another project acquired by the company in the same auction, the Guanabara project (lot 2). The asset is 322 kilometers long, in Rio de Janeiro, and has two substations.

Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo
2018 auction
Start of operation June/24
R$ 94 million (RAP)
Neoenergia | Rio Formoso
Purchased in lot 9 of auction 002/2019 by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), the project includes the construction of the Rio Formoso II substation (with two 230/138 kV transformation units with an installed power of 200 MVA each), the implementation of a new yard at the Rio das Éguas substation (with seven transformation units 500/230 kV of 100 MVA) and the construction of 105 kilometers of transmission line in 230kV, double circuit, for the interconnection of the substations.

2019 auction
Start of operation January/23
R$ 22 million (RAP)
Neoenergia | Paraíso
Built throughout the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, the Paraíso das Águas project aims to increase the flow capacity of energy from renewable sources in the region. Executed in record time, the project was implemented in just 24 months after winning the ANEEL auction no. 002/2022, and has approximately 280 kilometers of line between the three substations Paraíso, Chapadão and Campo Grande, with voltage at 230/138kV.

Mato Grosso do Sul
2022 auction
Start of operation June/24
R$ 42 million (RAP)