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About us

Part of the Spanish group Iberdrola, we are in Brazil since 1997, being one of the leaders in the electricity sector.

Present in 18 states and the District Federal, we operate in the areas of generation, transmission, distribution, and commercialization.

Imagem de uma usina de geração de energia
  • 5hydroelectric power plants
  • 44 wind farms
  • 2 solar power plant
installed capacity of 3.8 GW
Imagem de transmissão de energia
Transmitters In operation + construction
+ 8 thousand kilometers of lines in 15 states
Imagem de várias pessoas andando
bolt bolt bolt
We bring energy to more than 37 million Of Brazilians
solar_power 5.5 TWH of energy sold to customers finals
16.5 mi of customers
location_on location_on location_on location_on location_on
Imagem de uma casa recebendo energia

ESG Practices


Neoenergia is a pioneer in the energy transition in Brazil and committed to sustainable development. The company invests in clean and renewable energy, through wind, solar and water generation, representing approximately 90% of its total energy matrix.
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Among the commitments made by Neoenergia are: reducing the intensity of carbon emissions in its generation; increase diversity in the company in terms of gender and race in leadership positions; increase the number of women in electrician positions; and have large suppliers classified as sustainable.
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In addition to the indicators, the company's results in ESG aspects are consolidated in annual publications, such as the Annual Report - ESG+F Statement, the Integrated Report, and the Tax Transparency Report. 
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Operations in Brazil

Neonergia is present in 18 states and the Federal District through the generation, transmission, distribution, and sale of energy, promoting the well-being and development of society, with efficiency, quality, safety, sustainability, and respect.


Wind farms: Caetité

Distribution: Neoenergia Coelba

Hydroelectric plant: Itapebi

Transmission: T Afluent, Narandiba, Rio Formoso

Neoenergia Commercialization

São Paulo

Wind Farms: Doesn't have

Distribution: Neoenergia Elektro

Hydroelectric plant: Doesn't have

Broadcast: Atibaia

Neoenergia Commercialization


Wind Farms: Doesn't have

Distribution: Neoenergia Brasília

Hydroelectric plant: Doesn't have

Transmission: Doesn't have

Neoenergia Commercialization


Wind Farms: Doesn't have

Distribution: Neoenergia Pernambuco

Hydroelectric plant: Doesn't have

Transmission: Doesn't have

Neoenergia Commercialization

Rio Grande do Norte

Wind farms: Calango, Mel, Arizona, Santana, Rio do Fogo

Distribution: Neoenergia Pernambuco

Hydroelectric plant: Doesn't have

Broadcast: Potiguar Sul

Neoenergia Commercialization


Wind Farms: Canoas, Lagoa, Renewable Complex (Luzia and Chafariz), Arapuá

Distribution: Doesn't have

Hydroelectric plant: Doesn't have

Broadcast: Santa Luzia

Neoenergia Commercialization


Wind Farms: Doesn't have

Distribution: Doesn't have

Hydroelectric plant: Doesn't have

Broadcast: Sobral and Santa Luzia

Neoenergia Commercialization


Wind farms: Oitis

Distribution: Doesn't have

Hydroelectric plant: Doesn't have

Transmission: Doesn't have

Neoenergia Commercialization


Wind farms: Oitis

Distribution: Doesn't have

Hydroelectric plant: Doesn't have

Transmission: Jalapão

Neoenergia Commercialization


Wind Farms: Doesn't have

Distribution: Doesn't have

Hydroelectric power plant: Belo Monte

Transmission: Doesn't have

Neoenergia Commercialization

Mato Grosso

Wind Farms: Doesn't have

Distribution: Doesn't have

Hydroelectric power plant: Dardanelos

Transmission: Doesn't have

Neoenergia Commercialization

Minas Gerais

Wind Farms: Doesn't have

Distribution: Doesn't have

Hydroelectric power plant: Doesn't have

Transmission: Narrow

Neoenergia Commercialization


Wind Farms: Doesn't have

Distribution: Doesn't have

Hydroelectric plant: Corumbá

Transmission: Doesn't have

Neoenergia Commercialization

Mato Grosso do Sul

Wind Farms: Doesn't have

Distribution: Doesn't have

Hydroelectric plant: Doesn't have

Transmission: Dourados

Neoenergia Commercialization


Wind Farms: Doesn't have

Distribution: Doesn't have

Hydroelectric plant: Bajo Iguaçu

Transmission: Biguaçu, Itajaí Valley

Neoenergia Commercialization

Santa Catarina

Wind Farms: Doesn't have

Distribution: Doesn't have

Hydroelectric plant: Doesn't have

Transmission: Lagoa dos Patos, Itajaí Valley

Neoenergia Commercialization

Rio Grande do Sul

Wind Farms: Doesn't have

Distribution: Doesn't have

Hydroelectric plant: Doesn't have

Transmission: Lagoa dos Patos

Neoenergia Commercialization

26 years of Neoenergia

For 26 years, Neoenergia has been working to build a more sustainable and affordable electric energy model for Brazilians. In line with the global movement for energy transition and decarbonization of the economy, the company was a pioneer in the generation of renewable energy in the country, investing in wind energy since the beginning of the 2000s.

Over the course of more than two decades, it consolidated its distribution and transmission presence in the five regions of Brazil and expanded clean energy projects - today its operations also include solar and hydraulic sources and partnerships to enable the production of offshore wind energy and the development of green hydrogen.

Check out how we got here below:


- Neoenergia's activities have always been guided by sustainable development. The company was created in 1997, the year in which Cosern and Coelba were acquired



- In 1999, it received the concession for its first hydroelectric power plant, Itapebi. Today, it has a stake in five projects, generating renewable energy in the five regions: Itapebi, Corumbá, Dardanelos, Lower Iguaçu and Belo Monte.


- Acquisition of Celpe (Companhia Energetica do Estado de Pernambuco), at a privatization auction, for the established minimum price of R$ 1.8 billion. The deal included a commitment to build a thermoelectric plant in the State, starting the construction of the Termopernambuco joint venture (installed capacity of 532 MW).

- Creation of the Neoenergia Commercialization trading company.


- Restructuring and creation of the holding company with the adoption of the name Neoenergia.

- Entry into commercial operation of the Termopernambuco joint venture.


- Concession auction for the construction of the Baguari HPP (installed capacity of 140 MW, 51% Neoenergy) and of the Goiandira (installed capacity - 27 MW) and Nova Aurora (installed capacity - 21 MW) CHs.

- Constitution of Afluente Generation and Transmission of Electric Energy S.A. (installed capacity 18 MW) to comply with the guidelines for the de-verticalization of distribution activities, established by Law No. 10,848/2004 and to take over Coelba's generation and transmission assets.


- The company's first wind farm, Rio do Fogo, went into operation in 2006 and was one of the first in the country.


- We signed the UN Global Compact for respect for human rights, labor rights, environmental preservation, and the fight against corruption.


- Commercial operation of the UTE Termoaçu.

- Bajo Iguaçu HPP concession auction (installed capacity 350 MW, 70% Neoenergy).


- Inauguration of the Small Hydroelectric Power Plants - Pirapetinga, Pedra do Garrafão PCHs, the Baguari and Corumbá HPs.

- Acquisition of authorization for construction, operation, and maintenance of the Narandiba Substation.


- Acquisition of a 10% stake in the Belo Monte HPP, auction for the construction and exploration concession of the Teles Pires HPP and the 2nd Alternative Sources Auction: acquisition of nine wind farms. Start of construction of 10 wind farms, nine for the auction and Caetité 1 for the ACL.

- Signing of the Concession Agreement for Afluente Transmission de Energia Eléctrica S.A. and the Afluente Geração de Energia Eléctrica S.A. plants, completion of the construction works for the Dardanelos HPP and the start of commercial operation of the Sítio Grande, Goiandira and Nova Aurora PCHs.

- Signing of the Purchase and Sale Instrument with Iberdrola for the acquisition of the cogeneration companies Energyworks and Capuava Energy.


- Start of operation of the Narandiba substation.

- Entry into commercial operation of the Dardanelos HPP.

- Acquisition of the concession for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Extremoz II substation.


- Concession for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the expansion of the Brumado II Substation.

- Signing of the Lower Iguaçu concession contract, through SPE Geração Céu Azul S.A. with a term of 35 years, after the release of installation license No. 17033, resulting from a lengthy environmental licensing process.


- Commercial operation of the Mel and Arizona 1 wind farms and completion of the construction of the Caetité 2 and 3, and Calango 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 wind farms with the status of “Suitable for Commercial Operation” recognized by ANEEL.

- ANEEL transmission auction 001/2013, with the acquisition of lot G, for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the 500kV Transmission Line with an approximate length of 196 km and its respective connection bays at the Campina Grande III substations, in Paraíba and Ceará-Mirim II, in Rio Grande do Norte.

- Beginning of the construction of Lower Iguaçu.


- Reformulation of the shareholder agreement governing the partnership between Iberdrola and Neoenergia in the FEB (Brazilian Wind Force), which suffered a partial spin-off resulting in three companies. In addition to the original company, which remained under joint control, two others were created, each under the control of one of the partners. Neoenergia was under the control of FEB 1, the controller of the Caetité 1 and 2 and Calangos 1.4 and 5 parks. FEB 1 became a company controlled by Neoenergia, which began to consolidate it through the global method.

- Contracting of six new wind farms, three in Rio Grande do Norte and three in Paraíba. Expansion of the Brumado II Substation and commercial operation of the Caetité 1, Caetité 2 and Caetité wind farms.


- The purchase transaction, by NeoEnergia, of Iberdrola's stake in COELBA and COSERN of 8.5% and 7.01%, respectively, has been completed.

- Entry into commercial operation of the Extremoz II substation.

- Completion of the construction of 4 UGs in Teles Pires, with the condition of “suitable” recognized by ANEEL, with the first two coming into operation upon the availability of the temporary transmission line at the end of the year.


- Commercial operation of the Potiguar Sul Transmission Line, of the Teles Pires HPP (complete), of 5 wind farms (Calango 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) and the entry into operation during testing of Calango 6 and Santana 1 and 2.

- Purchase by Geração CIII S.A. of the shares issued by Energética Corumbá III S.A.

- Beginning of the process of selling to Contour the entire shareholding held by Neoenergia in the following companies: (i) Afluente Geração de Energia Eléctrica S.A.; (ii) Bahia PCH I S.A.; (iii) Goiás Sul S.A.; (iv) Rio PCH S.A.; and (v) EnergyWorks do Brasil Ltda., with Capuava Energy Ltda.


- Commercial operation of 3 wind farms (Canoas, Lagoa 1 and Lagoa 2) and the entry into operation of generating units 5 and 6, from the Pimental site, and 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, from the Belo Monte site, from the Belo Monte HPP.

- Incorporation of Elektro Holding and its subsidiaries. Completion of the sale of PCH and Cogeneration assets to Contour Global do Brasil.

- Participation in Broadcast Auctions No. 02/2017 and No. 05/2016, with the winning of 2 and 4 lots, respectively. Participation in the Generation Auction, no. 05/2017 and the winning of 9 wind farms in Paraíba. In this same park complex in Paraíba, 6 other wind projects (free environment) are under construction.


- Entry into operation of generating units 9, 10, 11 and 12 at the Belo Monte site of the Belo Monte HPP.

- Participation in Transmission Auction No. 004/2018-ANEEL, in which Neoenergia bought 4 lots corresponding to 3,001 km of transmission lines.

- Incorporation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda and reinforcement of the commitment to the UN Global Compact.


- Completion of the IPO process at B3, joining the Novo Mercado, the highest level of corporate governance on the Stock Exchange.

- Commercial operation of the Bajo Iguaçu Hydroelectric Power Plant, with a capacity of 350 MW.


- Acquisition of CEB Distribuição (Companhia Energetica de Brasília).

- Inauguration of the Green Corridor, launch of the Digital Connection and construction of the first private 4G network in Latin America. Debut in the B3 Business Sustainability Index portfolio.

- Start of the Neoenergia Oitis works and the debut of large solar generation, with the construction of the photovoltaic plant in Santa Luzia (PB).

- Energization of the Sobral III substation, in Ceará, and the Fernão Dias substation, in Atibaia (SP), and delivery of the Biguaçu Substation, in Santa Catarina. Acquisition of Lot 2 at the ANEEL Transmission Auction and the new Medeiros Neto substation, in Bahia.


- Neoenergia becomes the first Official Exclusive Sponsor of the Brazilian Women's Soccer Teams and the NeoEnergia Women's Brazilian Championship.

- Start of operation of the Neoenergia Chafariz wind complex, which doubled the company's installed wind capacity.


- Approval by the Madrid Stock Exchange of the request to incorporate Neoenergia into the market for the listing of common shares in the Latibex segment.

- Statement of support for the Women's Empowerment Principles, UN Women, and the Global Compact.


- Launch of the Neoenergy Renewable Complex, which covers wind and solar energy in the Paraíba hinterland.

- Start of the Neoenergia Team, with the arrival of the brand ambassadors: Tota Magalhães, Bruna Kajiya and Mirelle Leite.

- Partnership with The Town and Rock in Rio in motion for decarbonization.
























Awards and Recognition

The Neoenergia Group invests in social and environmental responsibility and excellent service. For offering quality services over the years, the company has won awards from renowned institutions in various segments. Check out some of them below:
The Neoenergia Electrical School was recognized as a global example of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity” by the World Economic Forum for the creation of exclusive tours for women in Brazil. The initiative is a reference for even women in the electrical sector and has formed more than 1,000 women in the country.
Neoenergia's School of Electricians won first place in the Processes category at the ECO Awards, granted by Amcham. The recognition highlights the School's commitment to sustainability, innovation and social responsibility by offering free professional training and generating employability in Brazil.
Neoenergia received top recognition from the ABT Award, which is considered the biggest customer relationship award in Brazil. The company won gold in the Artificial Intelligence category, with the 360º Customer Voice case, an integrated approach to improving the customer experience.
Neoenergia was recognized as the largest company in the energy sector in Brazil, in the 2024 Valor 1000 ranking, and ranked 27th among the country's leading companies. Prepared by Valor Econômico, in partnership with FGV and Serasa Experian, the analysis is based on financial assessment and ESG practices.
The Best and Biggest Award from Exame Magazine, a traditional economics and business award in Brazil, granted Neoenergia the title of largest company in the electricity sector and 33rd among all companies evaluated. Held since 1974, the initiative analyzes and recognizes publicly traded companies or companies with public data.
Neoenergia has been awarded the Top Employer 2024 certification. The company has been internationally recognized for the excellence of its people management practices and for its contribution to the personal and professional development of its employees. This is one of the most recognized certifications in the world.
For the second consecutive time, Neoenergia Cosern won the title of best distributor in the Northeast region at the Abradee Awards and, in this edition, also received an honorable mention in Health and Safety. Neoenergia Elektro won first place in the Management Quality category and also came third in Management and Innovation. 
Neoenergia won top honors at the O Setor Elétrico award with Trilha Verde, an initiative that will expand electric mobility in Fernando de Noronha. The project also won in the “Renewable Energy” category. The company was also recognized in the “Research and Development” category with the Electrician Safety System project.
Neoenergia won the 2024 Golden Tombstone Award. The company is the first to be recognized for two operations in the same category by the Brazilian Institute of Finance Executives-SP. The highlight was the asset swap with Eletrobras and the transaction with GIC.

Neoenergia is the winner of the 2024 Energy Leaders Award, in the Energy Efficiency category. The award recognizes and honors companies and institutions that stand out throughout the year for their performance, investments and work carried out in favor of the country's energy matrix.

 Neoenergia has been certified as one of the best companies to work for in the national Great Place to Work ranking, based on the assessment of the organization's own professionals. The company ranks 17th among the giants that employ more than 10,000 people in Brazil.  GPTW is known globally for evaluating the level of satisfaction with the work environment among employees.
For the 4th consecutive year, Neoenergia has been included in B3 SA's Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE). The ISE brings together companies that have the best sustainability practices in the environmental, social responsibility, economic-financial and corporate governance areas.

GODEL Conecta, the product of a Neoenergia Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) project, won first place at the XXVII National Seminar on Electricity Production and Transmission (SNPTEE), an event considered to be the largest in Latin America and the second largest in the world. The award-winning technology makes it possible to simulate the availability of the electricity grid for connecting distributed generation (DG).
For its commitment to integrity measures to prevent and combat fraud and corruption, Neoenergia was recognized for the fifth consecutive time with the Pro-Ethics Seal 2022/2023 edition. The initiative of the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) also awarded the distributors Neoenergia Coelba (BA), Neoenergia Pernambuco (PE) and Neoenergia Cosern (RN).

Neoenergia was among the companies most engaged in open innovation in Brazil. The company took third place in the electricity and renewables segment and was among the top 50 in the eighth edition of the TOP 100 Open Corps Awards.

For the third year running, Neoenergia won the Transparency Trophy, awarded by the National Association of Finance, Administration and Accounting Executives (Anefac), for the quality and transparency of the financial information provided to the market.

Neoenergia has been certified as one of the best companies to work for in Brazil. The title was awarded by Great Place to Work (GPTW), based on the assessment of the organization's own employees.  GPTW is known globally for evaluating the level of satisfaction with the work environment among employees
For the 4th consecutive year, Neoenergia has been included in B3 SA's Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE). The ISE brings together companies that have the best sustainability practices in the environmental, social responsibility, economic-financial and corporate governance areas.
GODEL Conecta, the product of a Neoenergia Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) project, won first place at the XXVII National Seminar on Electricity Production and Transmission (SNPTEE), an event considered to be the largest in Latin America and the second largest in the world. The award-winning technology makes it possible to simulate the availability of the electricity grid for connecting distributed generation (DG).
For its commitment to integrity measures to prevent and combat fraud and corruption, Neoenergia was recognized for the fifth consecutive time with the Pro-Ethics Seal 2022/2023 edition. The initiative of the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) also awarded the distributors Neoenergia Coelba (BA), Neoenergia Pernambuco (PE) and Neoenergia Cosern (RN).
Neoenergia has been certified as one of the best companies to work for in Brazil. The title was awarded by Great Place to Work (GPTW), based on the assessment of the organization's own employees.  GPTW is known globally for evaluating the level of satisfaction with the work environment among employees
For the 4th consecutive year, Neoenergia has been included in B3 SA's Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE). The ISE brings together companies that have the best sustainability practices in the environmental, social responsibility, economic-financial and corporate governance areas.
GODEL Conecta, the product of a Neoenergia Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) project, won first place at the XXVII National Seminar on Electricity Production and Transmission (SNPTEE), an event considered to be the largest in Latin America and the second largest in the world. The award-winning technology makes it possible to simulate the availability of the electricity grid for connecting distributed generation (DG).
For its commitment to integrity measures to prevent and combat fraud and corruption, Neoenergia was recognized for the fifth consecutive time with the Pro-Ethics Seal 2022/2023 edition. The initiative of the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) also awarded the distributors Neoenergia Coelba (BA), Neoenergia Pernambuco (PE) and Neoenergia Cosern (RN).
Neoenergia has been certified as one of the best companies to work for in Brazil. The title was awarded by Great Place to Work (GPTW), based on the assessment of the organization's own employees.  GPTW is known globally for evaluating the level of satisfaction with the work environment among employees
For the 4th consecutive year, Neoenergia has been included in B3 SA's Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE). The ISE brings together companies that have the best sustainability practices in the environmental, social responsibility, economic-financial and corporate governance areas.
GODEL Conecta, the product of a Neoenergia Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) project, won first place at the XXVII National Seminar on Electricity Production and Transmission (SNPTEE), an event considered to be the largest in Latin America and the second largest in the world. The award-winning technology makes it possible to simulate the availability of the electricity grid for connecting distributed generation (DG).
For its commitment to integrity measures to prevent and combat fraud and corruption, Neoenergia was recognized for the fifth consecutive time with the Pro-Ethics Seal 2022/2023 edition. The initiative of the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) also awarded the distributors Neoenergia Coelba (BA), Neoenergia Pernambuco (PE) and Neoenergia Cosern (RN).
Neoenergia was among the companies most engaged in open innovation in Brazil. The company came third in the electricity and renewables segment and was among the top 50 in the eighth edition of the TOP 100 Open Corps Awards.
For the third year running, Neoenergia won the Transparency Trophy, awarded by the National Association of Finance, Administration and Accounting Executives (Anefac), for the quality and transparency of the financial information provided to the market.
The country's main innovation ranking, the Valor Inovação 2023 Award, drawn up by the Valor Econômico newspaper, ranked Neoenergia highly. In a historic achievement, the company ranked among the 5 most innovative companies in the electricity sector, securing 4th place. In the overall ranking, it came 61st, improving on last year's result (137th place).
Neoenergia was one of the winners of the Eco 2023 Award, promoted by AMCHAM Brazil, one of the biggest recognitions of corporate sustainability practices. Neoenergia was awarded the Gold Trophy for the Green Corridor, Green Trail and Electric Truck projects of the company's Electric Mobility Research and Development (R&D) Program.
For its work in the area of customer experience, Neoenergia was recognized in the Digital Communication category of the SMART CUSTOMER 2023 Awards, with the case 'Humanizing Digital Transformation: How communication and data analysis strengthen the Customer Experience'.
Neoenergia Cosern was the champion in the National, Northeast and Operational Management categories and also came 2nd in Management Quality in the Abradee 2023 Award. Neoenergia Elektro came first in the Southeast, Management Quality and Performance Evolution categories and won 2nd place in the National category.
Neoenergia won the IIA May Brasil, a national award that recognizes companies that develop the best actions and practices to raise awareness of the Internal Audit profession.  The initiative has been held by IIA Brasil (Institute of Internal Auditors of Brazil) since 2020.
With the case 'Humanizing Digital Transformation: How communication and data analysis strengthen the Customer Experience', Neoenergia was awarded in the Visionary Project Leader category of the Clientes SA 2023 Award.
Neoenergia won the gold trophy in the Mejor Estrategia de Operación Sector Ciudadano category of the Latam Awards, offered by Aloic (Alianza Latinoamericana de Organizaciones para la Interacción con Clientes). The vote awarded the case "End-to-end management: Personalization and customer care for Neoenergia".

Neoenergia received the 'Era of Dialogue' Award from Consumidor Moderno magazine for its harmonious consumer relations. In this 2023 edition, the theme of the award was 'Resoluteness in the Age of Data'.

The Inova Group recognized Neoenergia as one of the Best Companies of the Year 2022, for its commitment to offering high quality services and excellence to its customers.
For the second year running, Neoenergia Elektro was elected in the Bronze Category (3rd place) among the Best Ombudsmen in Brazil, in the Aneel Ombudsman Award. The award is given to the ombudsmen of the Distribution Companies that have the best customer service structures.

Awards and Recognitions

The Neoenergia Group invests in social and environmental responsibility and excellent service. For offering quality services over the years, the company has accumulated awards from renowned institutions in various segments. Check out some of them below:

Awards and Recognitions

The Neoenergia Group invests in social and environmental responsibility and excellent service. For offering quality services over the years, the company has accumulated awards from renowned institutions in various segments. Check out some of them below: