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How to save energy

Understand how energy efficiency helps the environment and reduces your electricity bill, and check out tips from Neoenergia for everyday energy savings.

Energy Efficiency: tips for saving energy

Reflecting on energy consumption is the first step in ensuring a quality future for future generations. Faced with the environmental and climate challenges faced around the world, the adoption of energy efficiency practices is becoming increasingly essential to minimize the impacts associated with energy generation.

What is energy efficiency?

The term “energy efficiency” means performing the same job or service with lower energy consumption. This may involve the adoption of technologies, conscious practices, and the implementation of measures to reduce waste. A practical example that helps you understand: a 15W fluorescent lamp emits the same luminosity as an 8W LED bulb.

Energy efficiency stamps and labels

Consumers can identify products with lower energy consumption through the Procel Seal, from the National Electric Energy Conservation Program, and monitor the energy performance characteristics of devices, such as electric showers and refrigerators, through National Energy Conservation Label (ENCE), which is part of the Brazilian Labeling Program (PBE) and has rules defined by the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology ( Inmetro).
This label defines consumption classes in letters and colors, ranging from green with the letter A (more efficient) to red with the letter F (less efficient). This value represents the Energy Efficiency Coefficient (CEE), which assesses production in relation to electricity consumption and helps when buying more economical equipment.

Why save energy?

Although companies in the electricity sector already invest in cleaner and more sustainable sources, part of the country's energy is still generated through fossil fuels, which emit greenhouse gases and intensify climate change. As energy consumption increases, more pollutants are released, intensifying the damage to the environment.
The more efficient use of energy not only reduces dependence on natural resources, but also decreases the emissions of these gases, contributing to the decarbonization process. For this reason, it is important that consumers also participate in this change of habit, monitor and control their own energy expenditures.
In addition to the environmental benefits, the adoption of energy efficiency practices reflects positively on the monthly budget, as electricity bill amounts are more affordable.

How to calculate the amount of monthly energy consumption?

Calculating the monthly amount of energy expenses is important to promote conscious consumption and manage finances in a responsible manner. This account allows consumers to better understand their standards and take steps to optimize energy efficiency in their homes or businesses.
Every month, the energy meter is read to find out the consumption in kWh. The monthly expense is calculated by the difference between the current month's reading and the previous month's reading. It is listed in the “Statement of Consumption of this Invoice” field on the consumer's energy bill.

How is the amount charged on the energy bill calculated?

The amount of the electricity tariff is determined by ANEEL - National Electric Energy Agency. The amount charged for monthly consumption is calculated by multiplying the amount of consumption in the month by the amount of the Energy Tariff with taxes. The total taxes charged are listed at the end of the invoice in the “Tax Information” field, in the ICMS, PIS, and COFINS items.

Energy tariff flags

Energy tariff flags are used by the electricity sector to signal to consumers the conditions of energy generation and the costs associated with this process in monthly bills.
A large part of the electricity consumed by Brazilians comes from hydroelectric dams. However, in times of low rainfall, reservoir levels are lower than expected and it is necessary to activate other energy sources, such as thermoelectric plants powered by oil or coal, whose generation cost is more expensive. That's when the tariff flags appear on the electricity bill.


Power generation conditions are good. The consumer continues to pay the average amount they are used to, which does not mean that they should stop saving.


The power generation conditions have become a little more difficult, which means that the bill will already come with a small increase. Time for consumers to be even more attentive to consumption.


Level 1: Power generation conditions have worsened and the bill will come higher. The consumer must be concerned about combating energy waste.
Level 2: Power generation conditions became more complicated. Even if there is no risk of shortages, this will reflect on the bill. A task force is needed, and the consumer can even teach family and friends how to save.

Tips on how to save energy

Simple energy saving practices, such as the use of LED lamps or the purchase of more efficient appliances, for example, play an important role in preserving the environment and make a difference in the amount of electricity bills. Check out some tips that can be applied on a daily basis:


  • Replace halogen and fluorescent bulbs with LED bulbs. The initial cost will be offset by energy savings.
  • Turn off lamps that are not being used, except those that contribute to safety.
  • Paint the walls and ceilings with light colors. In addition to reflecting natural light better, they reduce consumption with artificial lighting.
  • Avoid turning on lamps during the day, opening the window and making the most of natural light.


  • Do not dry clothes behind the refrigerator. In addition to overloading the device and creating a risk of shock, this increases energy consumption.
  • Always check the condition of the refrigerator sealing rubbers and avoid wasting energy.
  • Defrost the refrigerator and clean frequently.
  • Adjust the thermostat accordingly to the season of the year.
  • Place the refrigerator in a ventilated place away from the wall, the sun's rays, stoves and greenhouses.
  • When buying, choose equipment with a Procel Seal or a rating from Inmetro.
  • Take good care of the refrigerator: do not open the door all the time, do not line the shelves or store hot food.

Ironing Iron

  • Use the temperature indicated for each type of fabric.
  • Turn off the iron when the service is interrupted, so energy is saved and the risk of accidents is avoided.
  • Iron light clothes with the device turned off, the heat of the iron can be used.
  • Assess the real need to iron some parts and only iron the necessary ones.
  • Choose clothes with fabrics that do not need to be ironed.
  • Choose the iron with the lowest wattage.

Clothes Washing Machine

  • Try to wash as many clothes as possible at once.
  • Use the appropriate soap dosage for each amount of clothing.
  • Always keep the machine's filter clean, so you don't have to repeat the “rinse” operation. Always use the most suitable cycle for washing.
  • Choose machines with a Procel Seal or Inmetro A classification.


  • Correctly choose equipment for the size of the room.
  • Keep filters clean.
  • Regulate the temperature properly.
  • When turning on the device, keep windows and doors closed.
  • Devices installed outside must be protected against the sun's rays and care must be taken not to block ventilation.
  • Turn off the device when the environment is unoccupied.

Electric shower

  • Avoid lengthy baths.
  • Turn off the faucet while soaping.
  • Whenever possible, adjust the temperature to the “Summer” position, because in the “Winter” position the consumption can be 30% higher.
  • Do not change the temperature while bathing, thus avoiding the risk of shock.
  • Give preference to solar systems for water heating - they are more economical and still help preserve the environment.
  • Do not reuse burnt resistance: this causes increased consumption and causes risks.


  • Do not leave the TV on unnecessarily;
  • Do not sleep with the TV on, use the “timer” programming feature.
  • Be alert when using the “stand by” mode, as some equipment such as a printer, computer, TV, stereo, cordless telephone, internet modem, and cable/satellite TV receiver consume energy, even when turned off. If programming resources are not being used, unplug them.


  • Using a notebook is more economical.
  • Whenever possible, after 20 minutes without using it, put it to “sleep” or “hibernate”.
  • Unplug the computer from the power outlet when not in use.